Fluffy/buffy/muffy whatever this thing he cloned is a fake!
I wanted him to clone Over The Creek for my TTF list the B*stard
Now I find my list for the TTF has been stolen by a postman from Congo!!!
This postman from Congo has entered his beast in the King George and he is not Kicking King or Kingscliffe but King Kong and Timeform says that he "travels well, knocks a few fences out of the way but gets on well with Andrew Thornton who can get his legs around him".
I wanted him to clone Over The Creek for my TTF list the B*stard
Now I find my list for the TTF has been stolen by a postman from Congo!!!
This postman from Congo has entered his beast in the King George and he is not Kicking King or Kingscliffe but King Kong and Timeform says that he "travels well, knocks a few fences out of the way but gets on well with Andrew Thornton who can get his legs around him".