Drenching Syringes


At the Start
Feb 13, 2007
In the report for Doncaster the RP web-site has a piece at the end stating "SUE SMITH was fined £750 by the Doncaster stewards on Saturday after a stable guard had found two drenching syringes in the stable yard.

Having interviewed Harvey Smith, the stable guard and the veterinary officer, the officials found that Smith was in breach of Instruction C7 of the Rules of Racing, headed 'Restrictions on Substances Adminstered to and Treatment of Horses on Racecourse Premises' and fined her £750."

Anybody know what a Drenching Syringe is?
It's used for administering liquid medicines to horses, ie a drench. You lift the head up and pour it in the side of the mouth, between or behind the teeth. Messy job :rolleyes:

I believe drenches, like syringes, are banned on course, can anyone confirm
Anything administered by mouth (or syringe!) other than food and water is banned oncourse. Certainly pre-race, not so sure about afterwards - a lot of yards administer electrolyte syringes after a run, not sure whether they've clamped down on those as well now.
unlike in P2P, where I know of one winner last season that was given a "chill pill in the morning, and another an hour before we tacked him up"(as the owner called it,but refused to say what it was(nothing shifty there then.... :suspect: ) but nothing happened about it....
To be fair, they are pretty stringent in PTPs - I was involved with runners at Tweseldown earlier this month whereby we had a winner and the vet was along straightaway to bloodtest it. In all fairness I also know of of people who run horses (mainly in PTPs) who have them dosed up on Christ knows what.

I also know of a trainer who, when an owner turned up in his yard, knowing the trainer and head lad weren't there, administered an injection to one of his horses, saying it was a vitamin supplement. Later that day the owner received a phonecall from said trainer telling him to take his horses the hell out of his yard due to his behaviour.
:eek: :eek: :eek: I should think so too

Sounds like the P2P scene has largely succumbed - along with kids' Saturday sport! - to the general 'win at all costs' ethos, that's sad
The trouble is that the largely clean members in the sport get tainted by the minority that are as bent as they come. At least they're keeping tabs on it, by testing winners at least.
I heard a recent rumour that journalists are trying to get into certain racecourses again at the moment to prove how lapse the security is.
Certain racecourses or certain racecourse stables, Kathy?!?!?

"Journalist in racecourse admission shock"

:laughing: :D

Getting into racecourse stables is more often than not, very difficult. There have been stringent restrictions in place for a number of years, of which I'm sure you're well aware knowing your connections. I'd be fairly confident that in the vast majority of cases unauthorised people will struggle to get into the stable block on racedays, certainly before the last. Crikey, even c. 12 years ago the standards were very strict and you couldn't get into a yard before your pass was lodged with the security staff prior to entering the yard - even on the end of a rope with a horse on it!

To this day I still have no idea how unauthorised people managed to garner access to the stables at Exeter the day that Avanti was doped - not least as the yard at Exeter is pretty much fully covered by cameras, it being large and rectangular rather than irregular. I have always assumed it was lax security but I'm sure that wouldn't happen nowadays as they are so strict on upholding the rules in the stables.
I've been in racecourse stables a few times - usually but not always well before or after racing and always with trainers when I've gone in the box - and no-one has ever asked to see a pass or challenged me. And I've been wearing race-going gear, ie fairly smart. Maybe they don't challenge women??!! I've walked into Cheltenham from that back parking lot too [beyond the coaches] straight through the stables, tho I think that was on a breeze-up day [racing going on too].
If you're with the trainer, an owner is allowed in. Hence why people with trainers tend to walk in no problems (although they're officially supposed to be signed in by the trainer as an owner). Try walking in on your own; you won't get very far!
SL, I think you know I meant the stables. :P It's been a long day :shy:

It's a Mirror/News of the Screws type of scoop. Not sure if it is going to be published but the racecourse STABLES concerned was evidently not a southern one.
I got into exeter without a pass :P but was chucked out after 5 minutes!!

Id gone along for a day out without my pass, one of our horses pulled up, by the time he got back to the paddock tendon was looking dodgy so the lad with the horse went to find the vet. I took horse back to stables, wearing my stable jacket. Was holding horse getting hosed down as he was a bit funny about water and needed 2 people holding him, and everyone else was busy with their own horses. Vets there looking at horse and they come and tell me to get out!!! Sadly there'd only been 2 of us and the box driver was nowhere to be seen, the boss rang up the next day and told him what he thought of them!! Their reply, "no pass, no entry"

So I defy anyone to get into a racecourse stable on their own!
Exeter in particular should be paranoid and strict as hell about it ~ it was there that Avanti was doped under their noses!!!!!!!!!