I do not drink and drive as my job would have been gone H.G.V. operator... it was a Friday night about 15yrs + ago I was seeing this lady?? And left her residence in my then car, only to be hit by a car with two guys in it.
I dived out of my car and stood alongside this car I opened the driver’s side of this car...
The driver fell out of the car his mate stayed in the car, the driver then said to me!” You hit me" I said "F-OFF your pissed as well, I'll call the law” (before the advent of mobiles! People opening their windows and doors in near bye houses, after the smash had happened, and inquiring if everything was o-k? Yes o/k everything is o-k I shouted) he said do us a favour mate don't call the law mate I'll pay for the damage.
So he gave me his name and address, I said if this is false mate I'll hunt you down and take it out of your nose, then the other guy started the motor (steam coming out of the engine) and drove away chased by the driver on foot. I drove home with a dented arch over the off side rear wheel
I got the damage accessed it was £75 and the loss of the car for a day and two days later went to this address this driver gave me, thinking it was possibly a non address? so I knocked the door, the guy answered which was a partial surprise!
I said o/k I have had an estimate on my car its £150, oh o/k he said but can you come back Sunday and I'll pay you then, fair does he paid me £50 and ask if I'll take him to a cash machine to get the rest, which I did and dropped him back home.
He told me then that his mate who drove the car away smashed it into a parked car and wrote it off.
About two months later I was having a beer in my local and this guy came in pissed again I said I hope you learned your lesson and are not driving tonight?
Yes I am driving he said...
People never learn do they???????????????