

At the Start
Dec 21, 2005
I don't think Dims has anything to worry about competition wise :lol:







There's a huge airshow near me this weekend at Fairford. I don't need to go because I've seen half the planes that'll be on show flying over my house these past few days :lol:
There's an airshow each summer in Woodchurch, Kent, around half a mile from my aunt & uncle's house. They have a massive barbecue (ok, so for that read piss-up) each year on the same day so that everyone [if sober enough] can watch the show from their back garden.
I've seen the Utterly Butterlys as well. Can't recall if it was when I lived in Staffordshire, or if they performed down here at the Shoreham Airshow, but they and the Crunchies were jolly good. Shoreham's on in early September, and I'm really looking forward to it. Missed it last year due to Mum's health problems, but hopefully will have a grand day sculling round all the plane exhibits and watching the marvellous things swirl around the skies. Always have a bit of a blub when the old Spittie goes up to the exquisite sound of Elgar's 'Nimrod' being played by the band.
They're very good photos!

I used to get dragged round many an airshow by my ex in the early days and we've cardboard boxes full of tiny insect-like blobs in acres of sky that could be anything!! The shows are fun but I've had a couple of bad experiences with migraines just afterwards due to the noise levels, so am none too keen now!
I shan't tell Big Dave you live near Fairford Griffin - he'll want to move in!!

One of my ex bf's used to be 'Crew Cheif' for the Hellcat from the Fighter Collection at Duxford - but you can't beat a Vulcan bomber at an airshow......
Originally posted by Raksha@Jul 15 2006, 07:19 PM
I shan't tell Big Dave you live near Fairford Griffin - he'll want to move in!!

One of my ex bf's used to be 'Crew Cheif' for the Hellcat from the Fighter Collection at Duxford - but you can't beat a Vulcan bomber at an airshow......
Don't tell Big Dave I could've got him free tickets for the show :ph34r: Mr GG's brother David is selling programmes until 12pm each day, and after that he's free to stay there too.
We went last year, and were surprised to find you coudl drive into the car park with no checks at all - so wondered if we could park in the car park this year and just watch from there.........