Dvd Help Needed


Senior Jockey
Jan 6, 2005
M favourite TV show is The Shield and Season 6 is currently been shown in the States. My problem is that Season 5 has been released on DVD but only on Region 1. What i need is a link to any site that would help me chip my player so i can play said DVD`s?

Don`t include Multiregion Uprades.Com - i`m banned from ordering anything from them :ph34r:
Originally posted by betsmate@May 7 2007, 02:07 PM
Does it definitley not already Cricketfan?
I'm not sure. A mate of mine burned me a concert onto a DVD a couple of weeks ago. I thought it was just a CD as all that I got was the music. When I told him, he took it home and played it in his laptop and there were pictures. I tried playing the thing in WMP (in which it should have played) as well as Quicktime, Media Centre, and Real Player all with no joy. The only thing I could possibly imagine it being was a different region.
Sounds more like a Codec issue Cricket Fan. It was probably encoded in a format that your media players are unable to cope with - especially as the audio played but not the video.

You could try downloading a codecs pack from the web or asking your mate what format it was created in - i.e. Div-X.
Originally posted by betsmate@May 7 2007, 04:39 PM
Sounds more like a Codec issue Cricket Fan. It was probably encoded in a format that your media players are unable to cope with - especially as the audio played but not the video.

You could try downloading a codecs pack from the web or asking your mate what format it was created in - i.e. Div-X.
Nice one, cheers.
Originally posted by betsmate@May 6 2007, 10:05 PM
Some makes/models can be hacked using their own remote control without the need for chipping.

Unfirtunately I don't think yours is one of them.

However you can get a pre-chipped remote from here that will let you do it at the push of a button:

It worked, Season 5 of The Shield on Region 1 came today and is compatable.

Seriously, i`ve seen the series already on my comp but it is essential viewing. Forest Whitaker is just legendary in this.