Electric cars

Desert Orchid

Senior Jockey
Aug 2, 2005
Anybody drive one?

Mrs O and I have one for a 24h trial. I'm very impressed with it. I've driven automatics now and again so it isn't that new an experience to me but it is to Mrs Mo, but she got used to it quite quickly.

There's a lot to consider before committing to a 2-year lease deal (at temptingly low monthly payments) but it certainly an eye-opener of a car.

Silk-smooth to drive, quiet and very responsive. The car we have is also a fair size (Nissan LEAF, about the size of a Toyota Auris) and roomy enough inside.

The problems are getting used to the idea of plugging it in when you're not using it, and finding a place to charge it if you find yourself faced with the prospect of not having juice in the battery to get you home (although we were told it will go into 'get-me-home' mode if it gets 'critical').

I'm quite taken with it and can see that once they get the battery range beyond about 200 miles it will be the car of the future
Anybody drive one?

Mrs O and I have one for a 24h trial. I'm very impressed with it. I've driven automatics now and again so it isn't that new an experience to me but it is to Mrs Mo, but she got used to it quite quickly.

There's a lot to consider before committing to a 2-year lease deal (at temptingly low monthly payments) but it certainly an eye-opener of a car.

Silk-smooth to drive, quiet and very responsive. The car we have is also a fair size (Nissan LEAF, about the size of a Toyota Auris) and roomy enough inside.

The problems are getting used to the idea of plugging it in when you're not using it, and finding a place to charge it if you find yourself faced with the prospect of not having juice in the battery to get you home (although we were told it will go into 'get-me-home' mode if it gets 'critical').

I'm quite taken with it and can see that once they get the battery range beyond about 200 miles it will be the car of the future

There's been huge improvements in battery technology over the last year or so - mostly driven by the tablet and smartphone market. Once this reaches the electric car market, expect the range to increase dramatically.
My only dealings with an electric car was 10 years ago in a NT carpark at Beacon Fell (they were trialling a fleet of electric vans).

One virtually reversed into me, probably my fault as I walked behind what was clearly a parked vehicle - no bloody noise or exhaust warning.
