

At the Start
Dec 21, 2005
Has anyone managed to watch the documentary thats on the Discovery channel regarding Elephant Rage? I started watching it last night & was hooked :rolleyes: apparently there is a huge crisis going on regarding elephants getting increasingly more aggressive, killing more people than ever before & no one knew why :( well it turns out apart from the obvious (destruction of their natural living areas) most of the culprits are orphans from when us humans began a mass culling a few years back & raised the youngsters before setting them free again :huh: they had no parents etc to teach them how to be an "Elephant" they have carried out an experiment by bringing in a mature male into these groups of tearaways & the result was instant calm, no more killing of rhino's of aggressiveness to humans :o also some of the orphans were sold to circus's in the US & the result = elelphant rampage :teeth: I'm not sure if anyone remembers seeing on the news about an E stomping on its handler in the circus ring then running loose in the streets before police marksmen took over 100 rounds of bullets to kill the poor bugger, pretty horrifying, well after a bit of research this E was an orphan :( they also had villagers in Africa saying that a heard of E completely destroyed their village one night & it was later discovered that the villagers had accidently killed one of the babies the night before & dragged it through the village to dispose of it & of course the E came back looking for it because they could smell all through the village they destroyed all the buildings looking for it :o I really was gobsmacked at some of these findings, we all know that E grieve because of the continued attachments to the bones of fallen relatives & I just found this doc amazing :)