Andy, they're not ferkin paedophiles - I really think some of you men ought to get a grip on reality at times. You might just as well wonder why Madonna wants little black children, or Brangelina keep selecting from Asian countries, the amount of sense that remark makes. I think his work schedule in the USA would make him too much of an absent parent, to be honest, but with millions of children orphaned and abandoned in what is a global disgrace, anyone who can help give an institutionalised child a way out, to at least offer it the chance to be educated and loved, has my vote.
It's disgusting that so many non-gays keep breeding kids which then have to have taken off them because they're such shite parents (certainly the 35,000+ kids 'at risk' in the UK were bred by non-gays - a fine record for straights). You might like to think it's a good thing that anyone wants to help even one kid, rather than try to stir up homophobia.