Email help required


Senior Jockey
Jan 8, 2004
Please ignore. Some deep searching has discovered there is a fault with Virgin. No email service for me until next week.....:blink:
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OK I am going to resurrect this now as I fear my searching has hit a real problem.

I have been with Virgin Media for over 15 years. Not idea why I signed up to them or how. Anyway I never got broadband or any other service from them. But I happily trundled along with them with no issues. Until Monday morning. Can’t access my email .net
Now I appreciate that have enjoyed “free” email but why just take it away like that? I did call the number suggested but after very patiently listening to a lady in their call centre and only understanding one word in ten, all I was told was to ring TalkTalk that now own Virgin Media. As I know what the response will be (3 weeks on the phone and no joy) I won’t be doing that!
So I went on the VM community forum to be told basically “tough! What do you expect after getting free email?” Well actually VM community forum, I expect some consideration and warning that this was going to happen! Apparently I am never going to have access to that account again, they will just close it and I will lose everything. I can’t even sign up to their broadband now to save it.

Any advice that doesn’t involve nuking the VM HQ would be appreciated!
Is that an account? If so I'm amazed you've been able to use it for so long, as these accounts were sloughed off to Talktalk several years ago. I had one and had it changed it to after the takeover. So your account now has nothing to do with Virginmedia whose email accounts are all, which as it happens is who I'm now with following installation of Virginmedia cable TV a couple of years ago

However, despite ceasing to pay Talktalk two years ago the seems to still be active and continues to send me the occasional marketing email from them, or from contacts who've either forgotten or don't know I'm now with Virginmedia

So essentially be thankful you've had free use of an email service for so long, and resign yourself to the fact you'll now have to actually pay for a new service
Yes it is a account. We don’t have cable here. I live in deepest Somerset so we’re quite restricted what we get at all. I have just set up a gmail account which obviously I will use from now on, but is there anyway of retrieving my contacts/old emails? Some of which could do with! Had I been made aware this was going to happen, I would have been prepared!
You might try their line2 which is based in Swansea. They're normally more helpful than the shocking Indian call centre. You'll struggle to find a telehone number for Swansea though, they go out of their way to conceal it
Thanks. I did hunt for their Swansea number only to discover the place closed in 2017 :blink:. Further investigation shows I did have. VM account but when I moved it was discontinued as I couldn’t get the service down here in Somerset.

Apparently they think it’s perfectly legit to treat people like this. Loads of people in the same boat as me according to the VM community forum. I gather we were sent emails after which in 30 days we would self combust. But obviously none of us considered it important.....or even received it...!

I have written to their complaints department in Sunderland. I don’t hold out much hope especially as I cannot see it being open at the moment.