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England Flags


Dormant account
Jun 2, 2003
The topic of England flags on cars seems to have reached the letters colums of one or two national newspapers with opinion divided as to their 'chavness' (is there such a word?).
Personally, I've no objection to them, although being the wrong nationality you won't find one on my car.
Does anyone want to confess to flying one?
They must rank high on the Chavometer, surely? One, naff. Two, very naff. Haven't seen three, but four - Superchav status.
On a similar but totally different point, Richard Corrigan (Chef to the Queen (all bow)) referred to the Islands on which most of us on here habitate, on RTE, as The British Isles. This is causing a little stir over here. Personally I don't give a shite, it is a way of identifying two lumps of land, one insignificant but beautiful, the other populated by gobshites, as a Region. Others tend to think it conveys sovereignty by the gobshites on the obviously more superior nation.


And bollox and shite and **** and wank to the day anyway.
Pure chav, anyone that thinks this is normal is mental, i was brought up on a rough council estate in clifton Manchester but have risen above chavness!
You should enjoy the flags and your particiption in the World Cup. Go for it.

We have flags plastered on every building over here when we qualify for the North West European Grade 4 Tiddly Winks Blitz, but seem to judge the English as naff when you do it. Just try keep Victoria Beckham's new Burberry handbag off the fist story in the news please.
The Brirish Isles question is a bit like Galileo's preference to refer to the Epsom Derby over the Derby, he's entitled to call it what he likes but the title he likes best is an incorrect one.

I wasn't aware of the furore in Ireland created by Richard Corrigan but he is quite correct. The term British Isles defines a purely geographic area - not a political area. Geography students will tell you that the British Isles is an archipelago off the West coast of continental Europe with a total area of 121,674 square miles. It comprises Great Britain, Ireland, the Isle of Man and the Channel Islands. (The latter are geologically not part of the archipelago but generally - albeit erroneously - included in the British Isles.

The term British Islands has been used by the UK government since the Interpretation Act 1978 to collectively denote those lands within the British Isles which are inhabited by British citizens, i.e. the United Kingdom, the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man. It is NOT synonymous with the term British Isles.
Why can't we fly England flags?

We must distinguish between what is actually "chav" and what chavs do. Just because the chavs do it doesn't make it "chav", chavs regularly drink as do non-chavs. Feel free to fly the flag, I'm not but that's a personal choice, I did choose to buy an £11.99 England shirt from Sport Soccer though.

ps. all this flag waving and chav talk has left me with an image of Barry Gerraghty sat aboard Moscow Flyer in his Rockports, Lacoste tracksuit and a Burberry cover to his riding helmet :(
I wouldn't dream of having one of those little plastic efforts on my car/van, but my daughter bought quite a large cross of St George flag home a few weeks ago, and it is now flying on the front of my house.
Now normally I would never allow such a thing, personally I think 99% of footballers are paid totally obscene wages and think they are something special when they clearly aren't. But the reason my flag is flying, is because I heard that Hillingdon council don't want people to fly the flag in case it upsets minorities.
Well I couldn't give a flying ferk what minorities think, if flying an England flag in England upsets a few of them, then maybe they shouldn't be here in the first place.

Moan over. :D
Originally posted by krizon@Jun 4 2006, 01:28 AM
They must rank high on the Chavometer, surely?  One, naff.  Two, very naff.  Haven't seen three, but four - Superchav status.
And what about the chinless wonders who attend last night of the proms? At least the World Cup is an event worth giving a shit about.
Originally posted by Ted@Jun 4 2006, 10:59 AM

Well I couldn't give a flying ferk what minorities think, if flying an England flag in England upsets a few of them, then maybe they shouldn't be here in the first place.

That`s the thing, the "minorites" dont care, they love a bit of flag waving themselves, you`ll see this when the Pakistanis come over for the test series.

No, it`s the Ken Livingstone types who need to pull the fingers out of their rectums and get a fucking life.
There is a small parade of shops just before the traffic lights on the A217 at Burgh Heath (detail supplied in case anyone knows the area) where each of the sixteen shops is displaying a flag of one of the nations taking part in the World Cup finals.
I'm all for the English waving English flags and wearing England football tops. However, just as it used to bug me enormously when England used the Union flag as an English emblem, so I intensely dislike to see the flag of St George used as an emblem in support of British teams, even if all members of the team happen to be English. For the same reason I wouldn't like to see the Scottish saltire used in support of a British team which happened to be all-Scottish, which might occasionally happen in sports like curling and elephant polo. (Scotland is in fact the world title holder in the latter.)

A grey area could be where family and friends ofa competitor turn up with a Scotland or England flag in support of their country's part of/in the team. With Scotland having only a tenth of the population of our dear neighbours, should it be deemed inappropriate to advertise the role we have to play in the bigger picture? I don't know. It's a bit like Celtic fans waving a Swedish flag in honour of of Henrik Larsson.
I have a little Welsh emblem on the aerial of my car and being that I drive a silver Focus TDCI GHIA its surprising how easy it is to find your own car if parked in the likes of Tesco's car park... there's method in my madness after all?????

p.s I read that if flying a flag on your car it increases your consumption by ex number of miles to the gallon don't these universities have better things to do???????????
About 10 years or so ago, almost every house in the village of Crowhurst, just outside Lingfield, was bedecked with St George flags for April 23rd.

But a year or two later, the flag started to be the badge of the English football fan, and the village hasn't done it in recent years.

So the Union Flag seems to have been stolen by racists, and the English one by yobs.

These chavs who are displaying the flags on cars always seem to be driving foreign vehicles like Fords and Renaults - what's the point of that?
Someone was saying on the radio the other day that over 1.5 million cars were manufactured in the UK last year, not far short of the record.

I'm not a car expert, but you've got 206s, Micras, Accords, Astras, Minis made here.
"p.s I read that if flying a flag on your car it increases your consumption by ex number of miles to the gallon"
Where "ex" = something like 0.0000251 presumably or , put another way, 1p per 100 miles.
Euro - last night of the Proms is exactly what it says on the tin: the final night of a series of Promenade concerts. It's all over in one evening out of 365 a year. It doesn't grind on, in-yer-face on tv, magazines, trashy trinketry, shirts, balls, socks, daft hats, CDs of football chants, flags, banners, scarves, world without end, year after year as football paraphernalia does, culminating in a World Promenade Concert. The good-natured larking about with the Union JACK (bugger calling it the Union flag - what are we, Confederates?) is just that, it is no more than an old and probably slightly silly, tradition. And you don't get Promenaders bellowing racist abuse at non-Promenaders, or fighting with the Dress Circle on the basis of Them vs Us.

And, on the subject of Them vs Us, as Ted hauls out the nationality card - Ted, remind me of the nationalities (or ethnic heritage) of the players in the premier teams of this country, please? :brows:
Originally posted by Venusian@Jun 4 2006, 03:10 PM

So the Union Flag seems to have been stolen by racists, and the English one by yobs.

These chavs who are displaying the flags on cars always seem to be driving foreign vehicles like Fords and Renaults - what's the point of that?
So all football fans are yobs?
Did I haul out the nationality card?
My point is that if the English want to fly the flag of England in England, then who is some foreigner to object?
Would I object to a Somalian flying his/her national flag if I were in Somalia? Would I object to some Dutch bloke flying his national flag if I were in Holland? No, of course I wouldn't, and if I did, I would expect the people of those (or any other) countries to tell me to far cough if I didn't like it.
Equally that's how I feel about any foreigner who happens to be over here and who objects to people flying their own national flag, if they don't like it, then tough, they shoudn't be here. The truth though, as has been pointed out already, is that these people have no problem whatsover with it.
It's just these lunatic councillors who are trying to dictate to the rest of us because they themselves feel some ethnic minorities might be offended.
My flag is flying as a protest against looney councils, if it were flying in support of the English football team I would be just dreading the embarrasing day when we get knocked out by Switzerland or Argentina or whoever.
Then what do you do? what's the point of still flying your England football flag when your team is back home watching the semi finals on the tv?
Originally posted by krizon@Jun 4 2006, 09:05 PM

And you don't get Promenaders bellowing racist abuse at non-Promenaders, or fighting with the Dress Circle on the basis of Them vs Us.

Bit of a generalisation, but no you dont get promenaders howling racist abuse. They just get a bit miffed when the odd "Paki" moves into the area.
er, bit of a sweeping statement there Euro, i would much rather be in a group of promenaders than a group of football fans. I never feel safe in a group of football fans, you always feel like violence is a hair-trigger away.
Usually because (gasp) someone dares to support another team