Eric Joyce


Senior Jockey
Mar 4, 2004
South Lanarkshire
Is to be congratulated for sticking the heid on a Tory. However...

none of the stories indicate the reason for the fracas. So I'm speculating now...

1) A "swinging" related misunderstanding
2) Mr Andrew insulted the honour and integrity of Malcolm Allen sausages.

Anyone got any proper gen on the subject that they are allowed to share?
Funnily enough, when I was writing the thread I thought to myself "which rancid Tory ****** will be first to have a moan about it?" and yours was the very first name that sprang to mind.

Congratulations on your predictability.

And as a point of order I didn't say it was clever, I said he should be congratulated. Which he should.

Stout work on his part.

anyway - that site is banned by my company so if anyone would care to share......
“I was in strangers bar last night and saw the fight first hand.

I don’t know who threw the first punch, or why it happened, but I first noticed something had happened when Conservative MP Alec Shelbrooke was trying to restrain Eric Joyce shouting “YOU DO NOT DO THAT TO AN MP IN THIS HOUSE!”. Others then tried to drag Eric away from everyone else.

Eric continued to struggle and broke away from those who were holding him back. A couple of people got punched, tables got knocked over, drinks spilt, and glasses broken. A Conservative female MP then put herself in between Eric and the people he was after shouting “PUNCH ME BEFORE YOU PUNCH MY STAFF!” Yet Eric continued to struggle.

A couple of people managed to hold him down on the ground until the police arrived, who cuffed him and took him away. The security informed us while they were taking statements and names that it took them so long to get there as they went to the Sports and Social bar first.”
Funnily enough, when I was writing the thread I thought to myself "which rancid Tory ****** will be first to have a moan about it?" and yours was the very first name that sprang to mind.

Congratulations on your predictability.

And as a point of order I didn't say it was clever, I said he should be congratulated. Which he should.

Stout work on his part.

anyway - that site is banned by my company so if anyone would care to share......

Congratulations on the size of the chip on your shoulder; you appear to have the same issues as him.

It's got nothing to do with who you support, it's about civilised behaviour.
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Congratulating someone on his loss of self destructive career ending loss of control indicates to me a dislike of the assailant rather than the victim

Will we have a non deleted thread here for congratulations given to someone who kicks say, an islamist or far left bigots head in?
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Congratulating someone on his loss of self destructive career ending loss of control indicates to me a dislike of the assailant rather than the victim

Will we have a non deleted thread here for congratulations given to someone who kicks say, an islamist or far left bigots head in?

I have no idea what that first sentence means. Is it English?

The thread's purpose was to discover the reason for his actions. So far, the best I can discern is that he said "there's too many tories in here" just before he kicked off. Which seems fair enough tbh.

I am also intrigued by clivex's comparison between Tory MP's and Islamists/Far Left Bigots. Does this mean that he sees the current (co)governing party as being on a par with Al Qaeda and Joe Stalin?

I thought they were just cunts myself.
Rather silly backtracking stuff simmo

Ill explain again more slowly this time...

whatever you think the point of the thread was, it kicked off by congratulating someone on self destructive actions and actual violence

When Ken livingstone or some islamist gets beaten up, then lets see if a thread congratulating the attackers would survive long on here. Thats my point

i doubt it
Very poor clivex. Must try harder. You didn't even use the word "vile". This was the Captain Chris jumping right and getting pulled up of posts.