Excuses, Excuses.

Tout Seul

Senior Jockey
May 2, 2003
According to some reports Paddy Power/Betfair stated that a significant factor in their relatively poor performance was was that ‘results had favoured the industry which caused a drop off in punter spend’. They also blamed their own decision to cut back on advertising relative to other players.

I am aware that spend does drop in such circumstances but surely they can see this day to day and adjust. Since Betfair is such a large element of their activities this should be less impacted. Could it be that cutting limits to levels of £1.80, not because a punter is winning but because an algorithm shows the punter is backing horses that shorten in price has an impact across the range of their activities as they are no longer regarded by many as a credible player.
When Powers started in 1998 the concept was to create a national chain in Ireland strong enough to take on the major English multiples.A strong customer service ethic was part of this service-for years if you had a dispute with PP they would listen to you and there was a chance of a favourable outcome.As time went by this ethic was replaced by a rules is rules approach-miss a price by a second and it's tough luck -rule fours are suspicious.My father is a 50 cent lucky 15 man and he cannot seem to get paid correctly any time he wins a few quid.
My belief is they are now a big multi national chasing every euro -there seems to be no appetite for real customer service.
They had no problem laying bets to this poor soul.


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