Exotic Dancer


At the Start
Jul 25, 2006
It has been reported on the RP site that Exotic Dance won't be running this weekend and his GC participation seems in doubt too - b*gger! not another one: "he's had a little setback..."

Wichita Lineman is the one that amazes me-has run two rubbish races this season yet is second favourite for the stayers.I fancied the horse big time at the start of the season but he is being priced on his connections -not form.
Rumpurs going round [I read on another forum just now] that he won't be running this weekend either
Ah thanks, didn't see the Post yesterday and missed it on the site
Antepost betting for Cheltenham this year is even more of a minefield than usual imo!
Not that that has stopped me having a few...
The most bizarre thing about Witchita Lineman was the reason given for him not running was there were too many good horses in the race? Just odd….must be something wrong.
The most bizarre thing about Witchita Lineman was the reason given for him not running was there were too many good horses in the race? Just odd….must be something wrong

With the trainer or the horse?
Although the brace of McManus double figure wins at Folkestone seemed to indicate a return to form, and indeed many a scribe have implied such since, it still seems all is a long way off being right at Ditcheat. They still aren't finishing their races for me and Jam Packed grabbed defeat from the jaws of victory yesterday for no obvious reason, and I put it down to the health of the horses.

It would be intriguing to know who Wichita works with at home, and if they have been on the track recently.
Originally posted by useful@Jan 25 2008, 05:37 PM
Although the brace of McManus double figure wins at Folkestone seemed to indicate a return to form, and indeed many a scribe have implied such since, it still seems all is a long way off being right at Ditcheat.

Has Jonjo moved-in with Paul Nicholls?
Sorry Relkeel, meant to say Jackdaws Castle!!!!

Mind you, if the J P string were moved, or better still Nicholls moved to Jackdaws, it would be the worst thing to have happened to jump racing!!!
I spoke to a pundit yesterday at Warwick who told me that he had just been speaking to Jonjo who told him that the horse had pulled a muscle in his hindquarters and he wasn't even sure he would make the Gold Cup. Apparently the Jonjo quote was "well, that's focking horses for yer!"