If people want to become vegetarian out of a sense of ethics (or morality, if you prefer such a word), then they'll go ahead without the need to watch this programme. I know of no person who has NEEDED to become a veggie because of health or dietary reasons, although eating vast amounts of protein and fats isn't considered healthy, any more than eating too much carbohydrate, sugar, or sodium is. I guess that a lot of people nowadays, particularly the young, are now so divorced from the natural world that they things all animals are cute 'n' fluffy (like stuffed toys) and that sausages are made in a factory, without the spilling of bloods and guts.
It's good to remind kids how their food arrives on their plate, and I think it would do none of them the slightest harm to be taken around farms, to see how animals are reared, chickens produce eggs, etc., and also to an abbattoir to see how that sizzling bacon gets from Mr. Piggywinkle to their breakfast table. If it puts them off meat products for life, so be it.
As for anaemia, I'm anaemic even with meat-eating and take two prescription-strength tablets daily, Griffin! It's doing the trick, though: I could donate blood easily for the first time in around 18 months a couple of weeks ago, and feel far less tired generally, so it's worth getting your doc to prescribe the stronger variety for you.