Fancy Dress

Irish Stamp

Forum Moderator
Mar 21, 2004
Out on a fancy dress barcrawl tonight and going as Mimes so have a couple of questions.

Where am I going to find a beret or a cravate?

Compulsory is the white face and the lipstick, now do i apply the facepaint first
and then the lipstick or the lipstick and then the facepaint?
I would suggest a quick trawl of charity shops for a cravate or beret, Irish Stamp.
Originally posted by Irish Stamp@Oct 26 2005, 11:17 AM
now do i apply the facepaint first
and then the lipstick or the lipstick and then the facepaint?
Definitely the facepaint first! You'll get in a real mess otherwise. Advisable to use moisturiser first as well so you will get a better overall effect. Once you've applied the first coat of lippie, dust a little face powder over it (if you can get hold of any) with a brush before applying a second coat as it will stay on a lot longer.
I've got lipbalm somewhere so I can put that on and had a trial run of putting the lipstick on and apparently I did quite well.

Got the other stuff sorted too and taking the lippy with me on the bar crawl as don't wana lose the effect by 10pm from drinking and leaving marks on pint glasses.

Thanks again
First, it's a cravat, not a cravate (PDJ, sea me after skool)! And you're taking the lippie with you on your bar crawl, are you, Martin? May I caution you against whipping it out in the gents' loo, giggling your explanation that you're really at a fancy dress party? "Oooh, dahling, we hear that all the time!" might be the response, and lead to a potentially awkward moment in otherwise pleasant social intercourse.
Funny you should be going on a fancy dress bash tonight - my wife and I are off to a 50th fancy dress party. The only trouble is, it's a Wednesday and some of us have to work tomorrow! The birthday girl is dressing as Cruella De Ville so a number of us are donning dalmation outfits.

I love fancy dress - always gets the night off to a good start before you've even had a bevvy. We recently had a a martial arts theme night down the rugby club that I hosted as the Dalai Llama! At least I think that's what he should look like :)

