Farewell Snoopy Loopy

Dear God I thought this was news he had passed away! Glad to see the owner has decided he is to remain retired in the future, it was a sad sight seeing him struggle yesterday. May he have a much longer retirement this time and that they find him something he enjoys.

Just read the full article on this, it said he was to spend the rest of his days in a field. I thought he was brought out of retirement due to him not taking kindly to that sort of life? I would much prefer to hear that they have re homed him with someone capable who can give him a more varied life, seems a shame if he is fit and well not to let him try something else to keep him happy and occupied.
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Thank goodness he's okay, you had me going there for a minute TF!

Like Soba, I hope they find something that he enjoys to keep him occupied, he is still only a 12 year-old and, while that's old for racing, he still has plenty of miles on the clock for other activities - providing he's sound, of course.
Totally agree with all of you, there must be a home somewhere for Snoopy where he can have some day to day work he would enjoy, so many people love him.

I know some of these racehorses are hard to retire but on the other hand some of the best ones find much life after racing .... and not just in the point to point field.
What a great horse he has been! A shame to see him struggling yesterday and probably not the most dignified send off but he has been a grand servant to connections. Have a happy retirement Snoopy!