Faugheen on the Machine


Senior Jockey
Dec 6, 2011
Bangkok Thailand
Evidence from Betfair showed Michael Brennan began betting against the horse at 1.05pm on 15 February 2016 and built up a potential profit of €3,342 by offering odds up to 1.98, almost even money, at a time when Faugheen was a 1-3 shot with bookmakers.

The last horse in the world you would have laid at the time was 1/3 shot Faugheen ...unless you knew something others never.

Betfair evidence is Gospel and these two crooks should be done for fraud

It seems their legal team is walking all over the BHA which makes me think they will walk.........SAD!!! as Donald Trump would say

The last gee gee on da planit you wud think could git beet is that Irish orsie cawd Fawheen ...unless some geyser telt ye his legs had fon aff

Sumdy telt him an his bruther wis lookin after it so u tell me wir they at it or no is ma kweschin
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It seems their legal team is walking all over the BHA which makes me think they will walk.........SAD!!! as Donald Trump would say

No surprise given the heavyweight team they wheeled out

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I can't help but relate this to the Rosenstien's when he said to Jim Jordan when he said last week “you can’t subpoena phone calls”

If they could get access to the Vets phone calls which he could easily do then Perry Mason, Denny Crane or OJ's lawyer combined couldn't get him out of this.

Them saying there is no connection between his brother and Hegarty is comical

Not as funny as him saying "It is the cornerstone of a vet or doctor's career that you make an oath in which you swear to keep confidentiality with clients and patients.

"It's part of your integrity, it's vitally important. I would never do that, sacrifice my whole career for something like that."

That is up their with Rab C Nesbitt's New year resolution promise to stop drinking :)

I have no worries with say Frankie telling his mates he thinks *******will hack up in the 2.30pm because that's only an opinion and can still lose

But telling someone to lay a horse because you know a horse is injured and can't possibly win is a mortal sin of racing in my book.

Claiming there was another source who leaked is BS...how would this other source know if the vet has an oath and if there was someone else involved the last person on earth you would call is the vets brother.

This affair stinks to the high heavens and is another nail in ravings coffin