Feckin Shambo! The Bull-######

Would your views here be exactly the same if the animal in questions was, say, a mascot of the Welsh Rugby Side - maybe that goat they use for the pre-match parade?
I will wait and see what happens, but they cant let this bull to live, as this will only serve to open up a whole new can of worms of what is acceptable, what constitutes religous rights, religous laws etc etc. Recently, in my area, a man was in court for importing drugs, which he said were vital for him to practice his religion....it was some religion from the amazon basin apparently...
Precisely - no matter the rights and wrongs you'd have thought that they could at least do something right! According the the news I just saw, they then turned up with the paperwork but on seeing the festival (or whatever it was) was underway & they couldn't get to the bull they went home anyway!
Markee yes I agree its somewhat difficult to take on board!!! But if this is the law of the land and could turn into a outbreak in ALL cattle of this dreadful disease I would have to support the vets action.............. regardless as to what animal it was.....
Maybe this is one extraordinary situation in which the law isn't right?

It would be nice if a solution could be found which didn't contravene the religious beliefs of the people and allowed Shambo to live without exposing other animals to risk of catching the infection.

Let's not forget that during the 2001 F&M outbreak there were plenty of scientists saying that not all sheep needed to be slaughtered.
Plenty of animals in the F&M thing were slaughtered by DEATHRA even though they were free from it, although its sounds harsh if he has TB then he needs to be slaughtered
Regrettable as it was, there wasn't a lot of choice over the F&M cull - or would you have preferred that F&M was allowed to spread [resulting in many more livestock deaths] in order to save the life of a few fluffy sheep?
I think you missed my point, Merlin. I wasn't really concerned with the rights or wrongs of putting the bull to sleep, but I think you took it as an opportunity to have a go at 'these' people? Maybe I was wrong? Ho hum.
Yep sorry Markee I was just highlighting a few facts (a) Its taken over the media-news of the past week,(hence the headlines) and the fact it has a disease don't make it exempt because of who owns it...

(b) I see a report from the Royal Welsh this evening stating that one farmer this week had 40 animals slaughtered because they had bovine T-B (no cameras there) so one cant expect rules for one and not the others, disregarding of who they are or where they reside.................. :(
I don't think there are any different rules being applied Merlin. The animals going to be put down, end of. Any rules that you think are being applied differently I'm afraid, are confined to your imagination. Admittedly they have to tread a bit sensatively as the police knocking ten bells out of hindu monks doesn't play very well in the media, but they're still going to put Shambo down.

That they might think they should be treated differently on something as spurious as organised religon is hardly unique to hinduism. It isn't as if this country isn't full of the self opinionated egotists who feel they should be treated differently to everyone else from all sorts of different perspectives. It doesn't matter if it's the last celebrity who said "do you know who I am" or a politican caught having a fag out the window of a train.

(I doubt British Transport Police would have been so forgiving if it were I who'd been caught incidentally).
So if they want to raid my flat I have to tell them "no" before they can go ask for a warrant. Seems like a waste of time to me.
Otherwise it would be a waste of time for the judge who has to sign off on potentially unnecessary warrants.
But again adding coal to the fire???

How much as this cost the ratepayers to act on a rule of law i.e. ALL ANIMALS MUST BE SLAUGHTERED IF HAVING BOVINE T-B??????? I counted in access of 30 police, plus officials from the Welsh office-Synedd in attendance................ :(

The farmer who lost the 40 animals this week(because of an outbreak of BOVINE T-B ON HIS FARM) had to surrender these animals or he would have faced charges in relation to him not acting or allowing his infected animals NOT to be taken away and slaughtered............ :rolleyes: .

So one cannot have LAWS that are adhered to by some, but are not applied to others, that's what I am highlighting nothing else...................never mind their sect or colour or religious following...........................

They'll (the monks) bring a charge of racism next, you watch? It’s about time some of these P-C people came down to earth with a very large bump, they are ruining this country and all it stands for.... :rant:
They will not bring a charge of racism and I'd be willing to bet you every penny you possess on that one, Merlin. Your comment probably says more about your own mindset than it does about theirs.

They are peaceful, religious people who believe - rightly or wrongly - only God has the right to take a life, human or animal. Nor do they have hidden agendas.
Originally posted by Merlin the Magician@Jul 26 2007, 09:08 PM
So one cannot have LAWS that are adhered to by some, but are not applied to others, that's what I am highlighting nothing else...................
Merlin, I think you've missed a fundamental point here. Despite your assertions to the contrary, the law is being applied equally. There is no issue of double standards in the instance.

The monks challenged the decision through due process and lost. They kind of set about a peaceful protest, which they're entitled to, and have lost again. My God I've been involved in examples of defying the law over something I thought was wrong, (and millions of others too). In this case we won, and succeeded in removing the most pernicious tax introduced in centuries and the evil Prime Minister responsible for it, through systematic non payment, obstruction, and good old fashioned riot :D
Originally posted by Merlin the Magician@Jul 26 2007, 10:08 PM

So one cannot have LAWS that are adhered to by some, but are not applied to others.
We have this and have had it forever. Do people really think that the people who run the country and the people who enforce it`s laws are subject to them the way the general public are? Ask yourelf that the next time you get a speeding/parking ticket - do the Police pony up like the rest of us - do they ****.
Originally posted by Desert Orchid@Jul 26 2007, 11:03 PM
They will not bring a charge of racism and I'd be willing to bet you every penny you possess on that one, Merlin. Your comment probably says more about your own mindset than it does about theirs.

They are peaceful, religious people who believe - rightly or wrongly - only God has the right to take a life, human or animal. Nor do they have hidden agendas.
:eek: Well if you actually seen the interview with the senior monk, his words, the people in the Senydd will suffer immeasurable consequences because of what they have done........
How does one take this threat then? are they going to try and get retribution for the powers that be who are upholding the law????? will they change from being passive and bomb the Senydd? Or will their god reap revenge?

Warbler Euro.... it’s a little more severe than having been caught speeding! Yes I am very aware that in some cases that those in power have tried to use **double standards in quite a few things! And got away with it, I am far from condoning these actions you can be assured.

This is an health measure not a technical problem or unjust law just like Maggie( the arsehole) tried to force on us, and yes I objected-protested and marched to get that Poll tax overturned too.....

** In a recent case in Caerphilly I see a serving officer in the police force was sacked for trying to pull strings (so he never paid the fine) for a neighbour over a parking fine......so not ALL get away with it! But I am very aware that others do get away with certain things, but surely nothing appertaining to health in animals, which could be passed on to others and become a pandemic-epidemic?........ I rest my case.....

P.S Shambo was killed humanely by injection, not by gun, that happens daily in slaughter houses throughout the land, so let’s be perfectly honest about this, the officials could not have been more compassionate under the said circumstances, but there was NO way they could have turned a blind eye to this problem...................
Originally posted by Merlin the Magician@Jul 27 2007, 11:55 AM
Well if you actually seen the interview with the senior monk, his words, the people in the Senydd will suffer immeasurable consequences because of what they have done........
How does one take this threat then? are they going to try and get retribution for the powers that be who are upholding the law????? will they change from being passive and bomb the Senydd? Or will their god reap revenge?
Merlin, they are Buddhists. I think it is fair to say they mean via karma, as opposed to terrorism. It isn't a threat.
PEE, I don’t profess to be an expert on religion, but they called him a Senior MONK... further to my story which came from me watching the local news on the subject, and using my own words as heard I find this below that further verifies the chosen words..........

Temple bull Shambo slaughteredJul 27 2007


SHAMBO the temple bullock has been slaughtered, it was confirmed today.

The six-year-old Friesian, which tested positive for bovine tuberculosis, was put down following a three-month fight by members of a Hindu community to keep him alive.

The row over Shambo’s future reached a climax yesterday when officials entered the Skanda Vale community in Llanpumsaint, west Wales, and took him away.

The Welsh Assembly Government had ordered the bullock’s slaughter to protect public and animal health, but monks in the small settlement, who believe bullocks are sacred, started a legal battle.

They finally lost the chance to save Shambo, whose plight attracted publicity across the world, at the Court of Appeal on Monday.

The Welsh Assembly Government had refused to say when and where the slaughter of Shambo would take place, but a spokesman confirmed today that the bullock was put down by lethal injection last night.

Up to 100 worshippers gathered at the Carmarthenshire temple yesterday to pray and chant from the early hours of the morning until the moment Shambo was taken away in the evening.

Some of the bullock’s supporters had to be physically removed by police before they could access his pen.

When the bullock was taken away in a trailer, many called out farewells, with others weeping as he left the grounds.

Speaking after Shambo’s departure, Brother Alex, one of the community’s senior monks, said he believed everything had been done to save Shambo’s life.

He said: “We’ve simply done our duty. We did everything we could to uphold the sanctity of life.”

Ramesh Kallidai, secretary general of the Hindu Forum of Britain, said the group wanted reassurances about temple animals in the light of Shambo’s plight.

He said: “We will now seek a meeting with the Secretary of State for the Environment to check how agricultural law can cater to the needs of sacred animals in Hindu temples in Britain.”
That quote has nothing to do with the previous statement. I know he is a monk - he's a Buddhist!