Follow The Leader

From what I've seen lately, drivers are already taking their hands off the wheel, reading a book, doing their hair, applying their lippy, or having heated discussions (no doubt on the merits of ZENYATTA vs ZARKAVA) with front and back-seat passengers.
Last Tuesday, in the middle of the rush to work, I saw a woman eating her breakfast - not a piece of toast as is usual, but a bowl of cereal in her lap and a cup of coffee on the dashboard. Oh, and the obligatory mobile clasped to one ear. I was on a bus (not allowed to drive at present) so was much higher up and could see her quite clearly.
She wouldn't be able to do that on the roads around here, they are worse than the Third World for potholes. The old Beddy nearly gets launched at times and that weighs over 3 tonne.
I see you've gone Romany now, Walsy - love the avatar! Who'll you get to pull it for you - plenty retiring from the Flat soon, so take your pick!
Hmmm... I wonder what the 'lots of history' the white Mazda convertible has? A well-worn back seat?

Thinks: see if he'd like to add a 13 y.o. Proton, two careful(ish) lady drivers, to his list... surely a collectible?