For Krizon (photo)


At the Start
Feb 14, 2011
Newmarket, Suffolk

Playing polo last weekend. 5 of the 6 are ex-racers enjoying themselves....except mine who's a Criollo.
Wow, Miesque - that's so very, very kind (and reassuring) of you. I've heard through Amanda Eaton (sister of the very lovely and competent Nicky Adams who works in the racecourse office at Lingfield Park) that Oli Powell's a great home for her, and from Oli's mum now, that I'll be invited to see PLACE THE DUCHESS play once she's about to chukkah her weight about a bit. (I'm trying for the Soary Stars Floating Trophy for Worst Punning there.) Amanda's with Hurlingham PC, I believe - you might even have come across her some time? Which one is you???? (You can PM me if you want to remain incognito, and your secret will be safe with me.)

I wish I'd had more chances to play - when I was 13-14, we all used to pile into the middle of the racetrack in Lusaka (capital of what is Zambia, although then Northern Rhodesia) and watch local farmers, civil servants and military types take each other on. There were a couple of ex-racers playing even then, back in the 50s, plus a very nippy horse with a club foot, and the fartiest pony I've ever known (or heard), called Girlie, ridden by a Capt. Lafone, who was a multiple divorcee and sozzlepot. He was frightfully pukka, which was rather undone by Girlie arriving, farting in time to her cantering! Pop-pop, pop-pop, pop-pop... and then a sharp put-put-put as she trotted down to a soft fffffftt and halt. Very sniggerworthy to us brats! We got offered lessons but by the time I'd knocked seven bells out of my poor pony's front legs, I decided I probably was not born to the game. He was very grateful that I failed to pursue things further.

I'm (hopefully) moving soon, nearish to Cowdray Park, so will be catching a lot more of it than heretofor. I'm very grateful to you for your interest and kindness.
Wow, Miesque - that's so very, very kind (and reassuring) of you. I've heard through Amanda Eaton (sister of the very lovely and competent Nicky Adams who works in the racecourse office at Lingfield Park) that Oli Powell's a great home for her, and from Oli's mum now, that I'll be invited to see PLACE THE DUCHESS play once she's about to chukkah her weight about a bit. (I'm trying for the Soary Stars Floating Trophy for Worst Punning there.) Amanda's with Hurlingham PC, I believe - you might even have come across her some time? Which one is you???? (You can PM me if you want to remain incognito, and your secret will be safe with me.)

PM sent - yes we do run across Hurlingham now and again (who are very highly regarded...think Ballydoyle of polo). If we're playing them I'll let you know.

I wish I'd had more chances to play - when I was 13-14, we all used to pile into the middle of the racetrack in Lusaka (capital of what is Zambia, although then Northern Rhodesia) and watch local farmers, civil servants and military types take each other on. There were a couple of ex-racers playing even then, back in the 50s, plus a very nippy horse with a club foot, and the fartiest pony I've ever known (or heard), called Girlie, ridden by a Capt. Lafone, who was a multiple divorcee and sozzlepot. He was frightfully pukka, which was rather undone by Girlie arriving, farting in time to her cantering! Pop-pop, pop-pop, pop-pop... and then a sharp put-put-put as she trotted down to a soft fffffftt and halt. Very sniggerworthy to us brats! We got offered lessons but by the time I'd knocked seven bells out of my poor pony's front legs, I decided I probably was not born to the game. He was very grateful that I failed to pursue things further.

I started playing accidentally years ago - the usual teenage attempt to impress a boy and was hooked. The boy went by the wayside and the polo stuck! You get quick at not hitting the ponies and honestly they love their jobs! We do usually throw beginners up on a wooden horse to learn to hit to save the pony's legs though ;)

I'm (hopefully) moving soon, nearish to Cowdray Park, so will be catching a lot more of it than heretofor. I'm very grateful to you for your interest and kindness.

Not at all, it's nice knowing where one's you've had an interest ended up!
It's be fab if you were to play agin PTD's team at some point in future, Miesque, so I could say hallo to you and Oli for the first time, and give PTD a pat (she's not a huge POLO mint fan, though!)