For Those Of You With Chandler Connections

Cheers for that Warbler. That portrait is truly horrendous, doesn't look like VC one bit and is out of proportion too!
Freud's our greatest living painter. The portrait is brilliant imo. He doesn't 'do' photo-style portraits, ie 'likenesses' - not at all; that's not what's going on in the canvas

LF's always been very interested in racing, and loves horses - some of his earliest studies were of racehorses. In fact he wanted to be a jockey when he was young! He'd have been brilliant I've no doubt - being very focussed and perfectly fearless, with not a little cunning :brows:
Originally posted by Shadow Leader@Jun 15 2008, 01:18 PM
Cheers for that Warbler. That portrait is truly horrendous, doesn't look like VC one bit and is out of proportion too!
It sold two years ago for £4.6 million! In fairness, Shadz once turned down a portrait by Picasso because "the effing moron's put both her eyes on the same side of her head!!" :D
I didn't know he was a highgate lad, in that case he might have gone to William Ellis (or perhaps Highgate school which being a working class lad i'm not as familiar with!) and will know that lush area of Swains Lane where the late Jeremy Beadle (amongst others) used to live, Holly Lodge. Ah, brings back memories.

What is it with this board, my s*it is littered with spelling mistakes man, and i'm a perfectionist so it must be written the way I would say it. urrm, second thoughts I think it's my grasp of spelling.
Surely the whole idea of a portrait is that it looks at least a little bit like the person it's of?? I don't go in for all this "it's art" shite - and £4.6 million or no, it's still shite.
Martin: the Freud family came from Berlin when in 1933 Lucian was 11 - he still has the trace of a German accent. I can't offhand remember where he was at school - he's hates giving biographical details - but I'm pretty sure it was a boarding school, where he took riding lessons instead of art! His first extant drawing is of a horse. He may have gone to Highgate though at some point. I doubt he did much schooling...... he was always the arch rebel!

I studied History of Art as my subsidiary subject at University and I was very involved in the art world I my professional life [I worked on art books for a long time], and I knew Lucian very well in the 70s. He's a fascinating man - extremely intelligent and well read. His portraits are always recognisably of the person, but they intend to portray the 'essence' of the person, not a 'likeness', not that I want to go into a dissertation into art! Each to their own.

I used to know Holly Lodge very well too! - A former teacher of some friends of mine [at Wolverstone Hall] lived there, he was teaching at St Paul's by then. We used to visit Highgate Cemetery when it was still open to the public, and picnic in Holly Lodge on the lawns - that would be c1969! Honor Blackman lived there too. Happy days!
Thats interesting, the way I read the article I thought it was Chandler from Highgate but if i've misread it it doesn't matter as their both clearly legends anyway! The funny thing is I live in a totally different part of the country now and get told "did you know Karl Marx is buried in a place called highgate cemetary". I'm like "YES, I BLOODY VISITED THE POOR MAN'S GRAVE AT 4 YEARS OF AGE.

With talk of Karl Marx we really are in the phantom of legends on this thread.
Good old St. Victor and his incredible 3% service charge. The man who never refuses a bet unless it's for money.
He's a lovely man, I remember he went 250/1 on roosevelt in the Irish Derby that alamshar won(everyone else was 150/1) Roosevelt had been schooled on the racecourse on his three previous runs including when just about winning his maiden when Kinane took a pull to educate him.He duly ran on in the Derby to be a comfortable third , a 50/1 winner.....Vic's a lovely man :) I'll draw him a picture with my coloured markers if he wants.
Spoken like a true arber there, HT!! :P

There are far worse firms out there than VC as you well know - in fact if you want a genuine bet then they're your best chance!
Originally posted by Shadow Leader@Jun 16 2008, 10:23 AM
Surely the whole idea of a portrait is that it looks at least a little bit like the person it's of??
It’s true Victor’s head should be three times bigger than his frame. Dear old Lucian is obviously looking past this to the size of his humility. :)
Originally posted by Shadow Leader@Jun 16 2008, 04:00 PM
Spoken like a true arber there, HT!! :P

There are far worse firms out there than VC as you well know - in fact if you want a genuine bet then they're your best chance!
I'm not an arber Dom. He was knocking me back even with the 3% service charge. One of his traders told me they ran a programme to check who was backing tipster horses and my name appeared "big style". I don't subscribe to any tipster service but, given I was betting what I considered value bets in every race (often more than one), it was maybe no surprise my name popped up. I wasn't even in front on the account at the time yet every bet I phoned through was knocked back or restricted. Many were drifters and couldn't all have been tipster horses.
I know you're not HT, but you can sound a tad like them at times!

Trouble is, if you are backing horses that are constantly being put up by tipping lines then your account is going to have a short shelf life - you know how it works!

SteveM - ha di ha ha. However, since that statement is based on nothing bar guesswork, I'll let you off.
Originally posted by Shadow Leader@Jun 16 2008, 04:06 PM
SteveM - ha di ha ha. However, since that statement is based on nothing bar guesswork, I'll let you off.
Make em laugh, make em laugh, all the world loves to laugh… Yes I haven’t lost my capacity to have em rolling in the aisles… it’s intuition (never guesswork) that helps me tune into the minds of other great artists :laughing: like Lucian.
Originally posted by Shadow Leader@Jun 16 2008, 04:06 PM
Trouble is, if you are backing horses that are constantly being put up by tipping lines then your account is going to have a short shelf life - you know how it works!

Why would that be Dom? You aren't seriously suggesting that messers Rix, Segal, Stratford or whoever are serial winners are you? I was always under the impression that tipping lines tended to lose, as the value quickly evapourates? Chandlers don't run for cover because of Thommo's buzz line do they? I'm guessing that there's a few lines who are respected, but do bookies really fear them?