Forum twitter users


At the Start
Nov 5, 2012
Bit of a long shot but I was just wandering if the members on here who are also on twitter ever manage to get a bit of race target information through contacting trainers on twitter?

Specifically I'm keen to know which darts Richard Fahey is aiming at the Ayr's western meeting.
I tryed to email Anthony Brittain last week through the email provided on his website, just to wish his horse Stanghow well in future endeavours. Hopefully Ayr Silver or Bronze cup next week! I'm not sure if the email got through to him though.
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I doubt any trainer older than 40 manages his own twitter/email account. They usually get someone younger from family or close to handle them. I bet some of them don't even know they're on twitter :lol:
Publically on twitter - No - Bar it's a big Q@A session with a trainer like Nicholls/Elliott on a Betfair event

If you email a trainer, you have a slightly better chance - i remember a member on here passing on useful information to me via this method in the not so distant past