Frankie Figg

Irish Stamp

Forum Moderator
Mar 21, 2004
Amazing horse - my favourite in training at the moment and great to see him get his day, 11/1 was a great price last night (sorry for the after timing).

How many sherberts has Aussie Jim had?

Just described the jockey as chatting to Howard Johnson (er no it was Graham Wylie).

And as for his commentary.....

I don't think Frankie stays the trip for the National so would imagine we'll see him in the John Hughes (or Topham as it is known these days)
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That actually had me in tears of joy for the dear horse at the finish! Interesting that his jockey defended his previous flops as down to over-enthusiasm when Claire Balding said something along the lines of him not managing to finish. Today, it was a perfect round in both the riding and the horse showcased his abilities in speed, timing, and accuracy. Just a pure joy.