Funny Signs You Have Seen

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I walked to my local dentist yesterday and on the way passed a small childrens playground. The sign outside said "for the use of children under the age of 13 only. No alcohol". :what:

Then on arriving at my dentist, a sign in the reception said:
"You don't have to clean all your teeth. Only the ones you want to keep!"

Any more for any more?
There's one in America that reads something along the lines of "Please Drive Carefully, this town has one hospital and 5 cemetries"
There used to be one at Tipperary Racecourse by the main entrance that declared

'cars parked (there) would be toed '

pet fav is

'Slow children ahead ', ironic that it is normally close to educational establishments!! Dangers of lack of punctuation!
I seem to think Catalan for fire service (or something similar I assume) is 'Bombers' which always struck me as surreal to see red fire engines screaming round Barcelona with the word 'Bombers' emblazoned all over them.
Alas I'm defeated in my attempts to find a picture of a Barcelona/ Catalan fire truck, but I know there's been a few monumental cock ups in the corporate world too where a product/ service loses something in translation. I've wondered a few times what Twix means in German as it's was marketed as a 'raider' and I'm sure one of the motor companys (I think it was Ford) launched a model that translated into something akin to 'very slow and unreliable' in Portugese or Spanish
Originally posted by Warbler@Jul 1 2007, 11:16 AM
Alas I'm defeated in my attempts to find a picture of a Barcelona/ Catalan fire truck, but I know there's been a few monumental cock ups in the corporate world too where a product/ service loses something in translation. I've wondered a few times what Twix means in German as it's was marketed as a 'raider' and I'm sure one of the motor companys (I think it was Ford) launched a model that translated into something akin to 'very slow and unreliable' in Portugese or Spanish
Just for you Warbs..........



And my favourite...............

Agh ..... but they're Castilion, the Catalan drops the second O, making it a perfect spelling :brows: I must admit to doing a 'double take' the first time I saw some truck screaming down the road announcing themselves as 'Bombers'
When I went first to FRance on an exchange visit aged 15 back in the dark ages, I stayed in a 'maison familiale' which is a kind of boarding house where people have apartments they more or less live in, but they all eat in the restaurant/diningroom so have no kitchens.

There were signs on the backs of the bedroom doors saying "Defense de pousser des cris de joie" wehich translates as "It is forbidden to emit cries of pleasure".

There were also grilles down into the basement kitchens with VERY BIG signs above them which read "DEFENSE DE PISSER ICI" which I don't think needs any translation
Any cars that have "Baby on Board" signs, like I was going to plough right into your arse but now i'll back off, that always makes me laugh
Originally posted by ovverbruv@Jul 1 2007, 07:10 PM
Any cars that have "Baby on Board" signs, like I was going to plough right into your arse but now i'll back off, that always makes me laugh
I've seen 'Twins Onboard' signs too. Such a waste. I may have 5000 kids but you'll not see one of those silly signs in my car. Like I said a few weeks ago, if I were to crash, the sight of three kids carseats, empty sweet & crisp packets x100, nappies, baby wipes and a pram should be enough to alert the emergency services to the fact I might have offspring in the car.
That's exactly why I've been told [by a fireman] the signs were manufactured in the first place - to alert the emergency services to there being kids in the car. Although it's more than likely an OTT idea to use the signs it's probably also fair to say that 1) emergency services won't necessarily notice or have time to investigate into the crisp packets etc in the car as time will be of the essence if the vehicle is on fire or in a lake for example but also 2) just because a car has crisp packets etc doesn't mean that kids are in the car on that particular journey. I'm sure most parents have occasions when their kids won't necessarily be in the car; the point behind the signs is that you take them down when your kids aren't in the car so that the fire brigade (for example) are not only alerted to kids being in the car but donb't waste what could be critical time looking to rescue kids that weren't in the vehicle in the first place.
Always used to pass a sign saying "Hot Pork Next Layby" on way to Warwick. Was actually a van selling dead pig products but conjured up images of Stan Collymore on the least in my purile mind :P