Gambling Adverts


Mar 8, 2016
Interesting news as reported via the Racing Post this morning about banning adverts promoting gambling. I like horse racing, but I have long held beliefs that the advertising of gambling on television is wrong.
As far as I'm concerned, the damage that roulette machines have done to the credibility of betting shops, means they shouldn't be advertising their product on mainstream (or any) television. Gambling can be lethal, just as cigarettes and other addictions.

Here's the article

"BOOKMAKERS could be banned from advertising on TV during the day in moves which would send shockwaves through the betting industry and have major implications for terrestrial coverage of racing.

An upcoming government review into gaming machines is expected to be expanded to cover gambling adverts on TV, and if a crackdown is enforced it would cost the sector, and broadcasters, millions.

The Times reports that the Department of Media, Culture and Sport is concerned by the proliferation of gambling adverts, and that children are being exposed to the concept too much.

A source said: "As it stands, betting sites can basically be advertising to children all weekend."

Under current rules, bookmakers can advertise before the 9pm watershed providing it is for bingo, or during breaks during live TV events.

Racing primarily takes place in the afternoon, and live coverage of football matches can run from noon to early evening, giving bookmakers a huge platform with which to advertise.

Any proposal to reduce or restrict gambling adverts is likely to be met with firm opposition by bookmakers and TV companies.

ITV is becoming racing's new terrestrial broadcaster in 2017, and should changes be implemented the value of these rights would fall dramatically."
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agree marble and as much as I love a punt, do worry when hearing my 11 year old reciting that cockney bloke from the b365 ads or saying ‘it matters more when there’s money on it’
The British government caused, (or allowed), the problem to take place, like the proliferation of the roulette machines. It now seems they're looking for the solution. It is an indication of some of the foresight of our MPs, this was allowed to happen.The shockwaves that are being sent though the industry are well deserved. The adverts are more about getting the public to consciously accept gambling as common practice, or hardwiring it into our DNA, than they are to increase revenues, imo. The idea horse racing will stop to a halt if adverts are banned seems a myth at first glance, like when they said there would be no shops if they took the machines out.

"When the fun stops, stop".

What a play on emotions, feelings and words that phrase is. Many of us don't actually primarily punt for fun, we punt to make money, or at least to have the best possible opportunity of making money.

I don't have any children but good luck raising your laddie, Perpetual :)
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"When the fun stops, stop".

This is the least annoying aspect of gambling adverts for me.

And I kinda like the Ladbrokes ones - particularly the one with the bloke snorting along with the horse.

The PP bumper needs to be varied more often.

The WH "drop in todays best price offer" adverts should be stopped out of common decency.

if you ban betting adverts during the day you can very quickly say good bye to any racing on terrestrial tv

When did they started advertising on telle? Perhaps a historical perspective might help here. I'm guessing Channel 4 (and ITV before them) were showing racing long before the betting adverts.
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banning adverts is pointless imo.

Advertising works differently for different people.

If my telly is getting ready and i see an advert for tellys i will take an interest, if i'm getting fed up with beans on toast every day and i see an ad for a nice meal..i might get interested. Advertising in these instances works on me.

If i like having sex with only adults..and they put an advert on for Paedoe sites..i wouldn't be encouraged to be bothered..advertising wouldn't work.

If i have a compulsive nature...and they put ads on for wouldn't compulsive nature would already have me betting

Ads don't make people gamble and have a problem with it..people do.

Ads only work when you want to know something..ooh where can i get my new telly...they don't work when your nature already for alchohol don't create alcholics..they already supping like fook due to their nature..

if someone put an ad up..telling alkies they will all be dead by end of next week if they don't you think this great power "advertising" has would stop them?

Advertising don't make natures change...thats down to the person...and they already doing whatever it is. I doubt Saville started fiddling due to an ad in health & effficiency or whatever. I'll wager Jimmy Greaves didn't start downing 3 bottle of vodka a day down to some advert on TV AM.

Advertising don't cause isms..individuals have that all to themselves
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When did they started advertising on telle? Perhaps a historical perspective might help here. I'm guessing Channel 4 and ITV before them were showing racing long before the betting adverts.

But its now funded by advertising...almost all programmes on TV are funded by the advertising revenue they bring in.
He is correct though Marble. If you see an advert for a butt plug on TV would you go out and buy one?


this is exactly it

don't get me wrong..i think advertising is very powerful..but not in this sphere...i don't feel like feeling a 5 year old up each time i see a picture of Jimmy Saville for instance..and lets be honest..he is the most powerful advert for messin with kids there is...if it worked in this way then everyone would be out there dicky back riding kids
Yeah well I think Perpetual was correct too. The advertising industry in relation to gambling is out of control, imo.
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Yeah well I think Perpetual was correct too. The advertising industry in relation to gambling is out of control, imo.

in what way though Marb?

it can't change your nature...and its nature within you that makes you a compulsive type or not..and if you have a compulsive nature in regard to don't need ads to encourage or discourage it...without will still shove butt plugs up yer arris..mess with kids..drink large volumes of alcohol..gamble until nowts left..take drugs til your veins explode

before any TV advertising kicked in..there were people frying their brains with LSD..destroying themselves with heroin...becoming alkies..betting their life away...for one simple was their nature to abuse whatever their fixation was..bugger all down to an advert

i have 60 years ...ever read that X started doing X.....because of an ad during Coronation Street..I've never seen that
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Aside from the slightly bizarre turn that this thread has taken, I'd suggest that the majority of adverts are designed to impact people who are already using the service or product to use a different brand (or to continue using the same one).

In the context of gambling, the advert might not be the primary cause of an addicts' gambling, but it could exacerbate it.

If they banned it entirely I'm sure the gap would be filled with pay-day loans and over 50's life insurance adverts.
I have 60 years ...ever read that X started doing X.....because of an ad during Coronation Street..I've never seen that

I bought a bag of a particular brand of crisps which I normally do not (wotsits), specifically as a result of an advert. I saw the advert and thought - what a grand idea - I'll get some.
i just can't see it Simmo...and to be fair those alternate ads are probably worse in that they are leeching off the needy

if i'm a Robbie Box type..i'll get a bet on no matter what...i'm an addict..watching an ad won't make me think..fook..before i watched that i was an addict..but now its encouraged me to be a super addict

you are either like that or not imo
I bought a bag of a particular brand of crisps which I normally do not (wotsits), specifically as a result of an advert. I saw the advert and thought - what a grand idea - I'll get some.


i meant something deemed bad Simmo..alcohol..drugs..betting..not fookin crisps:D
in what way though Marb?

it can't change your nature...and its nature within you that makes you a compulsive type or not..and if you have a compulsive nature in regard to don't need ads to encourage or discourage it...without will still shove butt plugs up yer arris..mess with kids..drink large volumes of alcohol..gamble until nowts left..take drugs til your veins explode

before any TV advertising kicked in..there were people frying their brains with LSD..destroying themselves with heroin...becoming alkies..betting their life away...for one simple was their nature to abuse whatever their fixation was..bugger all down to an advert

i have 60 years ...ever read that X started doing X.....because of an ad during Coronation Street..I've never seen that

The government and regulators do not make decisions based on the mind-set of you, me, or Digger or any one individual though.

For me you have to draw the line at advertising to kids. Can they clearly tell us the impact on them.
Look at the example Perpetual sited about his own son, amplify it and to use Simmo's word, "exacerbate" it by 1000000, then tell me its okay to promote gambling all day everyday on British television.
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kids repeat all sorts they hear without being attached to of my grandkids got the " com" in his head a while ago,,up to press i've not seen him spending all his money on gift cards..or getting addicted to them in any was just the jingle that connected

when i see a drug addict or alcoholic or gambler ever say it was an ad that got them started or then fuelled their desire..then i will start to believe that gambling ads make a jot of difference to people in changing their way of life

i don't see it tbh..maybe someone has actually said this..who has said that adverts changed their life in that negative way?
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I'll just these ads "promote" gambling? haven't seen anyone being depicted as being a beneficiary of pictures of Joe from Blackburn who now lives in Las Vegas thanks to gambling

i haven't seen one betting ad that shows any advantage to gambling..whereas other ads always show you why doing what they want benefits at this washpowder..whiter than was that all about?:)
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when i see a drug addict or alcoholic or gambler ever say it was an ad?
Drugs and alcohol isn't advertised on telle though.
Its a bit like asking a psychiatric or elderly care home patient about their treatment . They are not necessarily in the best position to tell us. Especially true of young children.
That's why regulators are supposed to watch out for these problems. That's why bookmakers have a duty of social responsibility, not just in relation to adverts either.

A good debate. I've said my piece. I'll let other members bring their input now if they have some.
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