Oi! Less of these derogatory "society" and "this country" generalisations - it's this society and this country which funds millions of poundsworth of charitable donations to lepers, orphans, the dispossessed and the starving all over the world. It's this society which supports hospices, animal sanctuaries and tens of thousands of voluntary services, including the RNLI and the air ambulances. I think we're a very generous society, constantly reminding ourselves of how well-off we are and doing our best to help others less fortunate. We also look after our own with endless organisations assisting crime victims, the elderly, the vulnerable.
I don't agree with Moat being 'shot on sight', either. However deranged he was, he was also a father who had once been, one assumes, good enough to be loved. As for the floral tributes, yukky as I find these things, they are presumably from the friends and neighbours he had before he went off the rails. There are always going to be parasites who feed off any media event and who'll have wanted to have got in on this - once a tv crew show up, everyone knows the man - but you can't blame people who knew him in a very different way for not wanting him demonised, especially for his kids' sake. Most will be trying to show the world that he wasn't, perhaps, the grotesque he appeared to be.