
an capall

Senior Jockey
May 2, 2003
As Cork has assumed the mantle of European City Of Culture 2005, I move we appoint Gearoid as our cultural icon for 2005.

All those in favour say 'langer'.

Although I can't possibly comment on my concerns about Cork being the European City Of Culture because then I'll end up as the European Commissioner Of Celibacy for 2005
Langer indeed

I have to tell you that the new title from this year is, in fact, European Capital of Culture rather than the old City of Culture, and people in the other parts of these islands ay be interested to hear that Cork fought off strong opposition from Galway, Limerick and Waterford for the title

I'd be happy to vote for Gearoid, if I knew what a langer was. Does it derive from those charming little monkeys (langurs), by any chance?
Merlin - langer with a "c"? That's clanger and as we all know that the Clangers were little pink snouted creatures who lived on the moon and ate blue string and green soup.

They are not to be confused with langers, about whom the Dictionary of Cork Slang tells us:

Construct: Noun
Definition: A disagreeable person.
Use: Go away, you langer = Go away, you fool.

Derivation: Unknown, but note 'Élang' - a defect, flaw, weak spot. (Joynt and Knott)
That's a very sanitised version of its etymology.

Langer also refers to a particularly sensitive part of the male anatomy.

Derived from ...god knows.
Tired gag from Niall Toibin's repetoire was based on the american pronunciation of the famous geman golfer, and how there was a mass exodus of men from Cork to the states when they heard how Langer became Longer over there.

I suppose it raised some chukles amongst the older folks.