Can I have a 'hands clapping' emoticon for Brian's last response, please? Some things are just too serious to be left to pop interviewing. You wouldn't have John Simpson interview Pete Doherty, so why have airheads interview politicians?
There is a relentless dumbing-down of televized news, anyway, with idiotic visual pointers to what's being broadcast in case you're incapable of forming a picture of a flood when a flood is announced, or a crashed car when there's been a car crash. Time was, an announcer gave you the straight news, with perhaps a brief topical shot of, say, the Prime Minister arriving in Singapore as he, er, arrived in Singapore. We didn't need to follow that up with someone in Singapore telling us that the Prime Minister was now being shown arriving in Singapore. Somehow, God bless us, we more or less managed to put the words and the picture together and figure it out for ourselves.
Now we have some over-coiffed ditz (male or female) asking the news in question form. "Today, all NHS hospitals north of Chester exploded due to a build-up of methane gas from farting patients. Now, over to Suzee Scudbang in Salford. Suzee, is it true the hospitals in Salford have exploded?" "Hallo, Ditzy, and thank you. Yes, it's true they exploded at approximately 10.30 a.m. this morning." "So, Suzee, not one left standing, is that right?" "Yes, Ditzy, not one left standing, although final figures aren't yet in from the suburbs." "Right, thanks, Suzee. So, not one hospital left standing in Salford. And now, over to Dirk Disaster-Master in Dundee... Dirk... "
And to think that once upon a time, they had to have gone to university...