George Washington


At the Start
May 2, 2003
Has his first foal born on Monday in the Irish National stud. Out of the Rainbow Quest mare Flawlessly. Not sure what the sex is.
Dunno, Gal, was told when I dropped Songy off on Saturday that the mare was ready to drop the foal and that it was thought they wanted a filly.

Whereupon my reply was that they should have boarded the mare with me, as I could virtually guarantee it!!
There's been a lot of research into the amount of female hormones which gets into the water supply - it seems the male sperm count in this country is in freefall due to our water being awash with oestrogen. It is probably worse in some areas than others... I wonder if this factor might be affecting the ratio of colts to fillies in some areas?

Can this really be the only GW foal? Do so hope it thrives...... and that it's good!
I believe any of the other eight or so mares tif who did visit him were cross covered and so their foals will have to be DNA tested. This mare was one of his first mares and obviously tif before his problem was noticeable.

I would guess this foal will be DNA tested too, because of the issues surrounding GW - it's not been totally unknown for a teaser or A N Other to sire a foal, even on the most professionally run studs!!

Wouldn't think the oestrogen theory fits here, Heads - this is a relatively sparsely populated area of the country and so our water wouldn't get recycled as often as in densely populated areas, although it may well be one part of the whole. I reckon it's something to do with the natural mineral balance of our grass but, having said that, we got a high percentage of fillies even before I moved here!! It could also be something to do with the way we run the mares - it's an extremely relaxed place and maybe even that influences whether or not we get fillies or colts. Who knows?

I'm pretty sure it won't be long before sexed semen is available to breeders, as it already is to cattle breeders in the Dairy sector.
Huzzah! Tho it's my ex husband's birthday, hope the girly isn't another nutter LOL