Ghosts! Do You Think They Exist?

Merlin the Magician

At the Start
May 2, 2003
There is method in my madness??? for posting this...

two weeks ago I was talking to a neighbour whose mum had passed away in early JUNE..I did attend the funeral out of respect...........

She said a very strange thing happened on this day(two weeks ago) in question her daughter 9 yrs old got up from bed about 8am in her late GRANDMOTHERS house and entered the living room where she saw her grandmother sat in her favourite chair and her two cats sat in front of the apparition looking up to it...

she was dressed in a black and white dressing gown, so her daughter told her, but on her mothers entrance to the living room it vanished and she never actually saw it as such.. but witnessed the two cats turning away from where they were sat ........

Have you ever seen a GHOST????????? :o

No I have not.................... :rolleyes:
Further to this I brought this up in conversation with a mate of mine and his wife, last friday when they called, and they reckon that their son (who is now in his twenties) had seen an aparition of a young girl in the cellar of the pub they kept opposite the millenium stadium and was so frightened he would not go near the cellar ever again........ :o
This probably wont help convince people either way, especially as it is centered around two young children, but I just thought I would share with you something strange that involves my two daughters.

They are currently aged 7 & 3 and when the eldest was only three years old she started to talk about her 'Granny Olivia'. At first we just thought it was a character from a kiddies tv show or something but the conversations we had with Sophie (my daughter) got more and more detailed about her made up 'Granny'. It turns out that Granny Olivia was always complaining about pain in her legs, Sophie would often put on a limp and say she was just walking like her Granny. This evolved into Sophie often mimicing the actions of someone in a wheelchair, moving her arms as if to be turning the wheels of the chair! It went on for about 12 months and a certain 'Grandad Livingstone' used to also crop up in conversations from time to time, where she could have got the names from was what made it all the more strange. After about a year it stopped.

Yesterday morning, Sophie, Lucy (my three year old) and myself were taking our usual Sunday stroll for the papers. Sophie was a little way in front of us as Lucy was pushing her dolls pram :rolleyes: Lucy was telling me she likes going to the shop on Sunday's and asked if we were going again next week to which I replied that we would be. 'Thanks Daddy' she started, 'I will bring my dolly and her pram again and you could push Granny Olivia, her legs dont work properly'.....
Yes I believe and I've seen my nans ghost on many an occassion. I hear her more often than I see her, and Mr Grumpy Griffin has heard her too. It frightens him half to death :lol: Objects have been moved around too, and we think it's probably her. Mr GG says she only does it to freak him out :lol: She died when I was 17 and we were extremely close. She only started to visit once I'd had my eldest daughter, so I presume she's here to look after them. If one of them has an accident or near miss she's nearly always about. I think the girls have seen her but I can't be sure.

I've seen an orb that I know for definite was one of my cats who died a few years ago, Phoebe. Actually I don't know if an orb is the correct term, it was feathery looking and passed right in front of me and Joseph (another cat, Phoebes best friend when she was alive). We were talking about her when she appeared. Joseph saw it too, we both watched it for a few seconds before it disappeared. He knows it was her too.

And my youngest daughter Emily has frightened just about everyone she has met by talking about her past life :blink: Emily is nearly four and she frequently talks about it. She always starts "When I was a grown up I did.........." or "I went to such and such a place when I was a grown up". She claims to have had two children but the thing I find really strange is that she says she knew me when she was a grown up :confused:
My Dad said he had a conversation one night with my Gran who had died in our house, but not lived there. He was convinced 'it' was real - and my Dad wasn't one to trivialise anything.
My brother was convinced there was someone in his room on more than one occasion, and thumped someone who was leaning over his bed and then watched as 'he' walked through the wall out of the house. The previous house owner, a Mr Zepedee, died in that bedroom.
In our old house I sometimes smelt something I associated with my Dad, and it would only be in one room of the house, the one I was in at the time - nowhere else. If I walked round the house, the smell would only be in the original room where it had started. My Dad died at home. I have not smelt it since I moved out nearly 3 years ago. The frustration is that if he was 'there' that I couldn't communicate with him.
My next door neighbour is 79 and the lady I referred to in the first thread was his lady friend who passed away they socialised together bingo holidays etc

This is something entirely separate from the above story and he told me this 12 yrs ago, or more than that.....

The house was where his late wife grew up, it was then rented from the local council they eventually bought it from the council 30 yrs ago or more....his wifes mother died in the front bedroom of this house, when his wife was alive, he now don't use the upstairs at all its locked up he sleeps downstairs ....

Now this guy is a devout religious follower warden/treasurer of the local Baptist church... he told me this on several occasions... that if he ever goes into the front bedroom which is not often there’s someone in there it moves around and dust falls from the blinds no windows are opened there either... and he has to make a rapid exit and then locks the door his words its like this ghost has got its hair off and is violent in its movements....... :rolleyes:

But I reiterate my phrases I have not seen one as yet???? HHHHOOOOOOOOOOOO just hope you all sleep well tonight :teeth: :teeth: :teeth:
There are plenty of documentations of poltergeist activity (I think it's German for 'restless spirit', so they certainly believe in the spirit world!), where things are moved or even knocked about.

There are areas of buildings where 'cold spots' are found, which return to normal temperature after prayers are said for any souls who may be lingering.

I don't have any direct experience of ghosts, although I did get several hours of automatic writing over a three-day period, many years ago. Friends of mine used to use a glass in the manner of a ouija board to communicate with some souls who'd passed over, and my mother and a friend heard footsteps in a room, many years ago, where a double suicide had taken place. She also attended some spiritualist meetings where what the spirits decreed, later came into being. She also consulted a clairvoyant (it means "clear seeing") who foretold some of her future for her very accurately. The visions that appear to the clairvoyant are supposed to be channelled through spirits, as are those to mediums, who are just intermediaries between this physical world and the spiritual dimensions. My cousin worked for a long time on developing her psychic gifts, one or two of which proved quite helpful, and accurate. The contacts always begin and end with a simple prayer for the soul providing the insights.

If we think of ourselves as energy, then in some way I don't understand, some residual of that energy may remain in certain places, or may be called upon by spiritualists. If some of us accept that we have souls, then we should accept that we are spirit or energy, and that when our fleshly bodies die, this undying energy matter may continue to make itself felt.

Clearly Christians believe in souls, angels, and the spirit - as in the 'Holy Spirit', and the Koran also acknowledges souls and angelic beings.