I'm surprised that organized religion has permitted the term "act of God" to continue to be applied to the worst kind of natural disasters (re insurance). With so many more non-believers than perhaps even half a century ago, there should be an insistence by atheists that it does not apply to their insurance policies, since they don't believe that God exists, and therefore He is incapable of performing these, or any other, acts.
I assume that people and businesses with concrete, foundation-based buildings have fared the best, but can't claim any insurance back, due to this 'act of God', and that the vast majority of the Sri Lankan/Indian coastal fatalities suffered because they had top-of-the-ground flimsy homes. The shredded appearance of these areas looks mostly to consist of wood, bamboo, and reeds. I hope that enough money is found to rebuild for the dispossessed using proper foundation-built, concrete villages, since any future occurrence will just again sweep away the lightweight structures.