Goff's Foals

This is depressing, but of course not unexpected. I hate to think where all those unwanted horses are going to end up but I doubt if many of them will ever be seen on a track. :mad:
Yeah but just think of the poor stallion man who is not going to get paid for the covering of that foal's dam this year!! That's due for payment now!! Or the mare itself when the breeder has a yearling and foal next year that he can't sell!! Next year is going to be a lot worse than this year. Finance Minister announced this morning a 3% income levy on those earning 250k+ on top of the 1% the rest of us ordinary people are paying. I bet that will go up very soon as our finances go to pot. A very bleak time.......but a great one to buy a horse!!
Yeah but just think of the poor stallion man who is not going to get paid for the covering of that foal's dam this year!!

Is that tongue in cheek ? Feeling sorry for the stallion men is like feeling sorry for the builders. Unless they where lighting their havanas with the cash they'll be better off than most.
Not every stallion man is from Coolmore. There are plenty of lads with one stallion and that is all they have ever had. They keep their books low which hopefully creates a scarcity value (again something Coolmore would not consider). They work hard, take care of their mare owners etc etc.

I have no time for greedy builders who rolled the dice one too many times and tried to hit the jackpot again, but you can't have the same view for a lad, say a general contractor, who builds one/two houses at a time, employs five or ten lads and the bank just won't give him any working capital so he goes out of business there and then as the lad he's buiulding the house for can't get the cash from the bank either.

I think you're painting quite the romanticised image of a small stallion operation.

A person enters this business because they see it as a means to a possibly very profitable end, in the hope of producing one, or numerous, successful stallions who will earn them and their operation a lot of money. It's an entrepreneur entering into a business, with all the risks all businesses have (risks they can manage, industry risks and economic risks). The risk may not be working out so well now, so we're meant to feel sorry for them?! :confused::)

I don't think it would be the other way around, or has been the other way around, during the past 10 years or so when business was good and they were very profitable.
That is where you are mistaken Andrew, not romance at all. In actual fact a mate of mine with a national hunt stallion. The old school type of family and respected by mare owners as they protect the offspring by keeping relatively small books. And yes in time when the stallion does well they might heaven forbid earn a buck off him.....but it will be a slow hard slog. I have no sympathy for the quick eddies, just like you don't, but I'd hate to see any decent well founded business go under because of the current GLOBAL crisis which none of us have ever seen before.
That is where you are mistaken Andrew, not romance at all. In actual fact a mate of mine with a national hunt stallion. The old school type of family and respected by mare owners as they protect the offspring by keeping relatively small books. And yes in time when the stallion does well they might heaven forbid earn a buck off him.....but it will be a slow hard slog. I have no sympathy for the quick eddies, just like you don't, but I'd hate to see any decent well founded business go under because of the current GLOBAL crisis which none of us have ever seen before.

Anybody in the stallion business who didn't make a packet over the last no. of years shouldn't be in business. Likewise even small builders where making a killing. There are people far more deserving of our sympathies.....just about anybody else you care to mention actually.
So hang on there Sheikh, if you made a killing you deserve no sympathy and if you didn't you shouldn't have been in business. That's like telling the homeless lad on the street he should have done better for himself over the last few years!
So hang on there Sheikh, if you made a killing you deserve no sympathy and if you didn't you shouldn't have been in business. That's like telling the homeless lad on the street he should have done better for himself over the last few years!

Come on now O. Anybody who has the wherewith-all to finance standing a tax free stallion cannot be compared to a homeless guy ! Speaking of homeless guys, people who made the investment in a family home just before everything went belly-up have my sympathies.
people who made the investment in a family home just before everything went belly-up have my sympathies.

Why? Why does everyone have to own a house? It's this Irish (& English) thing whereby you buy a house without any thought as to whether it is a good investment or not.
people who made the investment in a family home just before everything went belly-up have my sympathies.

Why? If it is their family home then the price of it should make no difference to them as they will be in it for 20 years. It is different if the bread winner loses their job but that's the same for a family home owner or a single lad like me. This is the prob with the Irish government at the mo, they are helping everyone who wants to buy a house now but not those that paid at the top (thankfully I paid short of the top which is prob the top now) and get the tax coffers going with stamp duty.

On the stallion man, we can agree to disagree on this one.
It is different if the bread winner loses their job but that's the same for a family home owner or a single lad like me.

Well yes, and I would have sympathy for all the above...but I can't seem to muster any sympathy for the poor old stallion man :D