Google Earth sleuths


At the Start
Jun 6, 2005
Having failed to get mine reinstalled I've been fumbling around with someone elses software instead, and was reminded of something I wanted to investigate regarding race distances. Now with the 'add path' facility (the ruler icon) you can measure out race distances at all courses very accurately (although finding the precise place of a jumps start is difficult).

Anyway detectives of the TH syndicate, a quick look at Cheltenham (dependent on the version you hold) reveals that the satellite appears to have flown over during the Festival? The clues are there I believe. So your mission should you choose to accept it (no IT cheating allowed incase there's some kind of gizmo you can use to date an image) is to;

a) Name the time of day
b) Name the day involved
c) Name the year

Maruco can clearly be seen sitting in the out door privvy of the Plough in Prestbury shiting himself about his previous days selections!!!


I don't know the answer, and its by no means certain its even a festival day, but I have my theory, which I'll desist from sharing so far in order to allow a few alternative ideas to develop. Remember, you're only allowed to use the visual evidence in the photo
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By the shadows, the sun is in the south-east, so some time in the morning. The blimp is on the ground, there's some cars in the carpark and the bookies don't seem to have set up yet so I'd guess around 9-10am? It looks like the new course has been laid out for use so it'll be the Thursday or Friday.
It would appear that some versions of GE actually have the date printed on the bottom, (mine doesn't) those of you who therefore know the answer, please don't post it
By the shadows, the sun is in the south-east, so some time in the morning. The blimp is on the ground, there's some cars in the carpark and the bookies don't seem to have set up yet so I'd guess around 9-10am? It looks like the new course has been laid out for use so it'll be the Thursday or Friday.

Whose to say it isn't early on the Saturday and the cars are admin staff and people putting things away, or even the Monday setting things up? I did broaden my search to the surrounding aertial roads in an attempt to look for congestion and gague things from that. In the end I considered that the few cars left in the public car parks were likely to be abandoned for fear of the Gloucestershire Constabulary's breathalyzer.
If it was Monday I'd expect the course to be set up properly for Tuesday. If it was Saturday, I wouldn't expect to see the blimp still there.
I've not not google earth at work but one thing I could be 100% sure about judging by this thread alone is that the meetings this afternoon are at Carlisle and Lingfield!
Well there's two parties seemingly walking the new course at the top of the hill just before the turn for the downhill section. Also the TV cameras are still in place, So I too concluded that it was Thursday or Friday. I put the shadows at about 10.15 given their length and direction, but the congestion looked wrong for that, so I've sought of revised it to about 9.30 as the usual gridlock around Charlton Kings hasn't quite built up. The Guiness stand has its roof on, so I ruled out 2008, and in any case, the weather is too good.. I'm waiting for maruco to time it from his usual parking spot in Prestbury, or someone else to spot where they've parked their car and take a lead from that. Alternatively if their car hasn't arrived yet, and they usually get their at the same time every day?
Small problem Warbs. I don't use Google Earth so can't help.

What I can tell you is if you can see me in the outdoor Privvy at The Plough it's probably where I passed out the night before. :eek:
The only thing I can see int he winners enclosure is

I'm more persuaded by the date Betsmate gave me, and like Gareth says they're laying out the new course. In fact any of you computer people with skills to design buildings for google earths community could put a few fences into the warehouse, put a few contours into the track and hey presto, we could drop down to the required altitude and ride round. In fact you could do it as a flight simulator. Fly an F16 round Prestbury Park