
Originally posted by Aldaniti@Mar 5 2007, 05:09 PM
Someone has just asked me if I want googlemail, I have not got a clue what this is shrug::
Its email but run by GOOGLE not other set ups I.E. Outlook, Outlook Express, INCREDI MAIL, etc etc

So it means if your normal email goes down you can use GOOGLEMAIL or use them ALL if you like?L... that's all :suspect:
Helen, it offers 1GB storage (if I remember correctly) which is way more than competitors - it can do this because it has the most complex computing platform on earth. (175K networked servers) .

But heres the rub. Google use the same crawl and index alogrithms on email as they do on their Adwords searches. In other words they scan the key words in the mail and sell advertisements based on the content. So if you wrote to say, Songsheet, and asked her for a nice bit of beef, you may see ads for butcher shops appearing on the periphery of your mail*. They will soon have local search perfected so the butchers ads you will see will be in your street!

So GMail is scanned - not by humans - but it is still scanned for content. Google is the most interesting company since Microsoft. Watch it closely.

*(I was going to do a funeral home example but didn't. See - I can change)
Google is the most interesting company since Microsoft.

What have they done to deserve that poisoned chalice?!? :P

GMail is great, been using it for the last couple of years now. Simple, fast web interface and quite a few nifty features.

BTW it's called Googlemail in the UK because of a copyright dispute over the GMail name.

Oh and another thing, you start off with 1GB storage but it increases as you go. Mine currently says:

You are currently using 71 MB (2%) of your 2824 MB.
Originally posted by an capall@Mar 5 2007, 07:06 PM
Helen, it offers 1GB storage (if I remember correctly) which is way more than competitors - it can do this because it has the most complex computing platform on earth.
Yahoo offer 1GB of storage too
What have they done to deserve that poisoned chalice?!?

I think they have uncovered something that has unending potential for both good and evil. The question is can Larry Page and Sergei Brin control themselves.?
Because Google wanted to roll it out gradually, rather than having three quarters of the internet all trying to open accounts at the same time.