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Gordon Ramsey


Senior Jockey
Apr 16, 2005
Is anyone else sick of seeing his pug ugly face everywhere?
He's on every channel I seem to flick onto.
He's now on billboards as I'm driving.
A rude cock sorry cook for God's sake!!
I know it`s cooking, but the guy is talented and makes for good tv. Plenty of no mark presenters on the box with zero talent or charisma who are more deserving of any wrath.
Originally posted by Colin Phillips@May 4 2007, 07:45 AM
I'm with you, harry....................why is rudeness becoming acceptable?
Atleast he's not false and tells it how it is.

I like him, best celeb chef out there, imo.
I'm with Griffin et al - I like him too! He's very amusing - it's always entertaining to watch him rip apart some braindead idiot.
I don't mind him, and would agree that his rudeness generally applies only to twats, which is fine.

But his swearing is phoney.

A real pro would always use "unbe-f*cking-lievable" as opposed to the Ramsayesque version "un-f*cking-believable".

What a doss c*nt.

Every second word now is some variation on 'f'. Every street, cafe, bistro, shop, is full of men and women effing their heads off. It's as bad as using 'nice' all the time - it's so lazy and unoriginal now, where once upon a time it could be used to punch home a point or a joke. Now - yawn. I see Grasshopper's hopping onto the next big thing - the 'C' word. Again, yawn, snore. Gosh, I'm so offended. However, the next time someone yells that from their car at me, I'm going to ram their little toy, pull them out, and show them what a really nasty effing cnut can be.

I'm appalled that some of you think that yelling abuse at people is okay. In other words, grind down, humiliate and demoralize someone in a weaker position to you. I can only think that none of you who feel that's acceptable have actually managed any staff, or certainly not for long.

I'm frankly tired of sneering, smug, loud-mouthed multi-millionaire bullies, from Alan Sugar, Simon Cowell, to Ramsey the cook. Their bellowing macho posturing belongs to 1907 in a rigidly patriarchal hierarchy, not in 2007. The sooner they leave our screens and are replaced by talented people with wit, insight, and some panache, the better.
krizon......I'm equally appalled that someone I previously figured for a modicum of intellect, would be the first to bite hard on this.

As far as this Grasshopper is concerned, it seems that you can tolerate almost anything except profanity?

Don't you figure that this linguistic Presbyterianism might undermine your otherwise (at face value) liberal and enlightened views on many other matters?

You have been an interesting contributor to this forum (in my experience), but my opinion is that, whilst you have liberal views in general, these do not extend to utterance of mere words - regardless of whether they are pitched in hate, indifference or humour?

Frankly, I had you down as a more discerning type, and I'm disappointed in your reaction to what was intended as a mere chuckle.
Being a reasonably intelligent soul, I always figured you (krizon) to be 'onside' with this, but it appears your intellect may be outweighed by your humbrage.

Whodda thunk it?

Some regulars in this house would do well to understand that this is a public forum, and that anyone who passes the screening is entitled to their say - no matter how profane the terms in which they put it, or unpleasant the viewpoint.

If the Mods choose to step in, then so be it.

In the absence of said Mods, I say again: f*ck, c*nt and c*cksuckers.

Please understand that I say the above profanities only as a freedom of speech measure, and they are uttered only in order that all TH discourse does not degenerate into a Cheney-sanctioned "which horsey had the best tail-pleat" debate.

Your obedient servant
talented people with wit, insight, and some panache

In 2007 ?

Auntie K, you expect too much.

Sugar , Cowell and Ramsay are no more bullies than Lorraine Kelly. In fact I would go so far as to say that they share your wishes for todays society. Their views or opinions that are given so much airtime in their various tv shows are pointed almost always at the retards who turn up to their programmes believing they have talent and intelligence when in fact , they are thick and have no idea how to behave and have no idea of their own stupidity until it is pointed out to them. Yes, it is pointed out to them in the name of entertainment, and the millions of pounds for the 'stars' involved at the helm, but it is also pointed out to them for their own good. Individuals out of university with no grasp of real life who believe that because they spent 4 years getting a degree in scratching their arses this somehow makes them intelligent. Individuals who believe that because their mum likes the omelette they make every week this makes them a chef with pretensions to running a michelin starred restaraunt. Not forgetting those who because they have won a karaoke competition and whos relatives dont have the heart to tell their dearest daughter that her singing makes their skin crawl , leave the X Factor auditions in tears and disbelief at being told that in fact, they cannot sing.

These people mistake reality for rudeness.

It comes from the GCSE society that has allowed the less intelligent to pass everything. Nobody now understands the word fail and no one has to try harder to succeed and everyone is going to pass anyway. Pass everyone and everyone thinks that they have done well. Everyone comes out 'bigged up' and yet there is more thickness and stupidity around than ever before.

I think that the trio named are frustrated at the state of the 'produce' of this country. They want the same thing, talent, wit, insight and panache.

What they get is morons.
Well, that's certainly an interesting take on it, Uncle G. But if those actually getting past the initial turn-outs, first auditions, second screenings, etc., mean that those who actually compete represent the cream of what was on offer... what the heck does that say for the talent in this country? Not very sparkling, is it? I'd never have thought that one as distinctly sparkly - and young - as yourself would be so disillusioned, so cynical, so... appalled! On balance, sadly, it would seem that you are right. (I can have that done in copperplate for you, if you'd like a memento of my unfettered agreement?)

Grasshopper - it's no use smarming round me with fine words and flattery. I am far too much an ancienne to fall for such overt and oleaginous ploys.

However, a 5lbs box of assorted Thornton's might just sway my opinion...
Merely trying to give you the benefit of the doubt, krizon...........no need for you to be so discommodious.

Oleaginous? Maybe. It's so boring trying to be refulgent 100% of the time.
I'll be the first one to offer enthusiastic contrafribblarities if you get that one past her.

If you're not careful she'll be anus-peptic, phrasmotic, even compunctious with you having caused her such pericombobulation.

(Words from the dictionary of one E. Blackadder)
I agree with Krizon.

It's about time we had some intelligent TV. TV has a responsibility to set the standards, not to lower itself to pandering to the lower common denominators.
Originally posted by Desert Orchid@May 6 2007, 02:09 PM
I agree with Krizon.

It's about time we had some intelligent TV. TV has a responsibility to set the standards, not to lower itself to pandering to the lower common denominators.
If the terrestrials raise the standard, they'll lose the viewers to Bravo, Sky One, and their ilk. ITV have profits etc to worry about, but the Beeb should be made to do it.
Aha - cricketfan! Do I detect a second nomme-de-forum with that little flurry? I know of someone else using those exact phrases, but not on here. On the 'other place'... :ph34r:

I'm getting confused with crickets and grasshoppers now - I think I'll rename myself 'Mantis' in honour of this august insectivorous membership.
Originally posted by krizon@May 6 2007, 08:04 PM
..........the 'other place'...........
The House of Lords ? :rolleyes:

I post regularly on only two fora, and I don't think any of you guys are on the other one.
<<perplexed>> I think will lead to my velocitous extramuralisation from this thread...........

(an under the influence thank you to E. Blackadder again)