Total bollocks about rich living. Gout is a build-up of uric acid which inadequate kidney function has failed to flush away. My poor father had it, agonizingly, in one foot for two years, along with high blood pressure. The blood pressure was brought back to normal, but the gout persisted, indicating that his kidneys weren't functioning properly. He was in hospital for six weeks before dying of kidney failure a few days after his 46th birthday.
He had been a lean, fit, athletic man up until then, fond of riding horses with me, and a bit of motorbike rallying. He was previously in the TA canoeing, trekking and motorbiking up Snowdon, and in the Second World War was a paratrooper, before that a merchant seaman. His idea of going OTT was to have three beers over the weekend. Our food was always straightforward and always fresh, unless you count the occasional rice pudding as 'rich living'.
I hope your pain gets sorted out, Phil. Having seen a gritty, uncomplaining man like my Dad absolutely white with pain, I can sympathize with you - it is not a comedy turn.