Graham Bradley

Do ATR cover Donacaster? I'd like to see this race but this evening rather than having to find the bookies this avo. I always look forward to seeing these races. Charlie Swan and John Francome were stylish jumps jocks so would be interesting to see if they hold that style now.
thought it was brilliant stuff, charlie swan decisive winner and bradley hanging on for 3rd. best bit was the "parade" of jockeys before the race, what a laugh (in the most positive sense!) :)
I'll say, Gal - didn't he look stylish, too? Changed whip hands smartly and looked like he really ought to be riding on the Flat full-time (well, at the higher weights, anyway!). I thought they all looked pretty good, although as most ride out, they ought to. Now, let's have the trainers up next, perhaps with a LOT more weight allowance! (With Roger Ingram to do his rail-hugging None Shall Pass tactic, which wins him a few charidee races.)
I'd like to see them all with a few jumps in front of them although whether there'd be as many available to ride as there were today I'm not so sure.
It was an absolutely fantastic ride from Swan. Knew him opponents would be weak in a finish and rode them to sleep up front.
I know they've all got too fat and slobby now, but seeing Charlie Swan scooting in like that made me wish it'd been a horse legends race, too, as wouldn't it have been fantastic to have seen ISTY clipping along, low and fast, over his hurdles once more? But CS looked absolutely fab in any case.
Oh bollocks - plenty have been found far worse than Brad and either been let off or given far shorter bans. We've been through this before but I won't change my opinion that he was treated badly, mainly to make an example of him and as the JC had something against him he fitted the bill perfectly. As it was, I was on the stewards balcony at Epsom today yelling for Brad....shame the stewards weren't actually up there at the time. It would've been nicely fitting if he'd won it I thought. Good luck to the guy in rebuilding his life.
..oh, and yes, in reply to the opening post, Brad is absolutely a 'legend'. Very few horsemen of his calibre do we see from year to year.
Not at all - my point is why let people who couldn't lie straight in bed be allowed their exalted status? Brad was picked on and made an example of - ffs, Culhane, Winston, Lynch and McKeown were found guilty of worse yet received no more than a slap on the wrist in comparison. Whislt others yet were guilty of as much if not more and retired with their names intact.
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I'll be angry that others got away or got just the slap on the wrist - but I am not going to feel pity or sympathy for someone who got what they deserved and I only wish the rest got the same.
Nobody has been more critical of Lynch, McKeown, Winston and Culhane (The latter two shouldn't be riding imo) than me but it still doesn't make it right that Bradley was been able to ride this afternoon.
Not at all - my point is why let people who couldn't lie straight in bed be allowed their exalted status? Brad was picked on and made an example of - ffs, Culhane, Winston, Lynch and McKeown were found guilty of worse yet received no more than a slap on the wrist in comparison. Whislt others yet were guilty of as much if not more and retired with their names intact.

i can't speak for those retired ones you are talking about but the reason Brad gets so much stick is because he keeps sticking his above the parapet

i'm sure if others who have been banned kept popping up you might think they are getting picked on as well..or would you?

its back to the old..some are demons..some are good old boys... thing here isn't it really?

two people can do the same thing of them is viewed as a bit of a lad..other one isn't liked...guess which one people will stick up for?
No, EC1, what I'm saying is that Brad was picked on in the first place.

So far as I - and a large part of the NH world - can see, Brad was picked on by the JC and made an example of as they had it in for him in the first place. In making an example of him they gave him an excessive ban and held him to it - plenty of others, in fact those who were guilty of worse, in my opinion, had far lesser bans and even had them reduced in some cases.

Even if you think that the punishment he served fitted his crime, the fact is he has done his time and has suffered for it. None should forget that he was - and still is - a superb jockey and horseman and has plenty to offer the sport, far more than most other people in it. Most people I know in the NH world rightly support Brad to the hilt and believe he was harshly treated.
No, EC1, what I'm saying is that Brad was picked on in the first place.

So far as I - and a large part of the NH world - can see, Brad was picked on by the JC and made an example of as they had it in for him in the first place. In making an example of him they gave him an excessive ban and held him to it - plenty of others, in fact those who were guilty of worse, in my opinion, had far lesser bans and even had them reduced in some cases.

Even if you think that the punishment he served fitted his crime, the fact is he has done his time and has suffered for it. None should forget that he was - and still is - a superb jockey and horseman and has plenty to offer the sport, far more than most other people in it. Most people I know in the NH world rightly support Brad to the hilt and believe he was harshly treated.

i believe that if it had been someone like Fallon - then very few would have the same attitude that they have towards Bradley

being likeable does not excuse does not mean when you get caught that its in some way you have been targetted or picked means you got caught..doesn't matter if you help old ladies across the got caught.

Fallon could also have said to have been targetted ..but i read very little defence for him by people using that as an excuse for any wrongdoing..most people were glad he went through that...thought he deserved it etc.

i just don't buy it SL..its the good and bad person thing

how do you think Fallon would have been percieved now if he had been in Brads shoes?..would many have been glad to see him ride today?

I'd just like to add..I have no real strong view on Bradley..personality doesn't come into imo...I agree he was a good jockey and seemed a likeable bloke..but i do believe that that is why people are making excuses for him..he was a good old lad..a bit of real bad in him etc..whereas Fallon would have been viewed as the he is now by quite a few anyway.

its like the Henderson v Curley is a good old bloke who couldn't possibly have done much really that bad..I mean..its good old Nicky...whereas if Curley dropped a fag end on the floor it would be deemed as bang out of order.
Have to thank Brad for Well Chief.

After that he could have done what he liked:D

Loved the book, loved watching him ride.

The game is as bent as hell, always will be
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Have to thank Brad for Well Chief.

After that he could have done what he liked:D

Loved the book, loved watching him ride.

The game is as bent as hell, always will be

the problem is that many people outside racing view it like that as well..then when they know that those inside racing actually sympathise with people who have been barred from paints the kind of picture that no amount of racing for change will ever reverse.

can you imagine going racing today at Donny with someone new to racing..oooh who's that legend there then?..oh its good old Brad ...he got banned from racing..banned eh?..well why are folk fawning over him then?

explain that one to someone :)
Well I would be on a downward spiral having to first of all explain to my new to racing buddy how horses are given racetrack runs to achieve a decent handicap mark and jockeys told not to ride for a place to preserve it;)