Great Leighs judge.

Colin Phillips

At the Start
Dec 22, 2003
Talbot Green
Just to cheer up Shadow leader, Anthony Kemp is the judge at Great Leighs today. He has a tough call in the first, bound to get it wrong.

Oh! yes, it's a dead heat.
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Shouldn't have been a dead heat as Frank should have won ten wickets but as only he can he managed to get the horse boxed in in a six runner race.

Still riding 3 or 4 shorties a day even he's going to win or one or two of them a day.
Although ANY extra seconds of hearing the sound of his own voice is manna from heaven for this most loathsome of creatures, Kemp must surely be frustrated by the lack of options allowed within judge-speak.

The bare bones of only being able to say 'First number six, second number three, third number two' will have his knickers twisted.

'So!!! The result for you all of the first race here at Great Leighs this afternoon is Fiiiirst NUMBerrrr Siiiiixxx!! A great win there, brilliantly ridden by Jamie Spencerrrrrr!! Second number three, who ran reeeally well on this occasion losing nothing in defeat, AND!! third number two who saved the each way backers here today. So! at this moment in time thats first number six, second number three, third number two, in the first race, here! AT Great Leighs. this afternoon.'

So right Goobs - you're talking about the idiot who drags out the "horses away - weighed in" into "HOORRRRses aaaaaWAAAYY, HOORRRRses aaaaaWAAAYY - aaaaannnnndd theeey're WEEEEEIGHED in, WEEEEEEIGHED in for RRRRRRace nummmmmber siiixxx"!!!

Utter cretin.
A day out at Kempton or Sandown is enough to make you realise what you're dealing with AC - 5 minutes of Campo and you'll lose the will to live.