

Senior Jockey
May 5, 2011
Can't believe no thread on here,not even going to go into the politics of it when I read this brought me to tears..

The bodies of up to 42 people were found in just one room by search and rescue teams combing Grenfell Tower after the fatal fire last week, it has been claimed.
It is believed the remains of the group were discovered inside one of the flats by recovery teams who have been searching the White City tower block over the last few days.
A video uploaded on YouTube shows an unnamed man speaking in front of the burned out tower. He said: 'He said: 'I've got a friend who works for the fire brigade here, yeah? Yesterday on the phone he said they found about 42 bodies in one room, all hiding together. No-one knows that

And a spokesman for the Met Police said he would not be able to advise on numbers or information relating to the searches so far.
One of the worst disasters in recent history, police have confirmed 79 are thought to have died but the true figure is thought by residents and locals to be much higher.
A friend of victim, who wished to remain unnamed, told MailOnline close to the scene of the tragedy: 'They found 42 bodies in one flat. The word tragic doesn't even begin to describe it. It's heartbreaking. Maybe they went there to comfort each other.'
The landscape of the Lancaster Estate in White City changed forever in the early hours of Wednesday morning after a fire broke out around 1.30pm

Yet another thing that will just slowly fade away under this government,lets hope not worst thing I've seen in my lifetime in this country,no doubt working out how to miinimize the damage with numerous cover ups..
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I mentioned to Mrs O the other day that I was suspicious of the seemingly closely-controlled drip-feed of information to the media.

I got the impression they were stalling while figuring out how best to allow the worst possible news to be known.

Political motive?

So far I don't recall seeing any figures about how many people still alive are accounted for.

125 flats. Average 4 people per flat? The maths are just horrific.
It absolutely stinks,there were familys in there of 4/5 someone even said a woman had 8 children all completely wiped out,when are they going to release how many were in this place it's an absolute disgrace,another whitewash coming up or 6 months down the line a riough tally.
It's a joke and more than a little bit disgusting that people expect the powers that be to speculate and guess on the number of casualties without having the facts to hand.
Probably a subject best avoided at present, a lot of jumping to assumptions going on everywhere.

It's difficult to believe that there won't be a lot more casualties than have been announced.
I tend to agree, Col. The entire site is likely being treated as a potential crime-scene, which will slow-up progress, and the release of information. They will also be circumspect about what info they do release, in case it is prejudicial to a court-case further down the road.

The Residents Association blog appears to be very damning of the council, and their hired management hands, and I strongly-suspect some people will be going to jail on the back of this tragedy.
I'm sure they will put up a list of residents as soon as possible,don't hold your breath and some of us know the real reason why...
A video uploaded on YouTube shows an unnamed man speaking in front of the burned out tower. He said: 'He said: 'I've got a friend who works for the fire brigade here, yeah? Yesterday on the phone he said they found about 42 bodies in one room, all hiding together. No-one knows that

Anon uploaded a video of anon reporting the words of anon: what use does such lurid, vile speculation serve?

The situation and state of the dead in the comparable 'neglect' tragedies of the Aberfan landslide, Kings Cross fire and Free Enterprise sinking that the emergency services had to deal with were no doubt equally unspeakable: some have to see it, the public-at-large who don't have to but want to are sick souls

Dead is dead, get on with the enquiry, no stone unturned

So far, the emergency services have behaved as per usual in exemplary fashion; one can but hope the politicians and plethora of other 'accountable' parties involved do the same

Shall we hold our breath?
Lessons will be learn't and no doubt a scapegoat will be given we already know that,just hope this government gets taken to task on this and the residents are relentless and get plenty of backing before they get inevitably get redirected...
your right thick as pigshit, but how many of them have blown up kids or stabbed to death 8 people recently , i think you are thick as pigshit for not knowing who the real enemy is , dont forget your saying , Refugees welcome here , but not where i live , 2% is enough for us . grow some bollocks .
ffs sake those two bible bashing red necks are as bad as those muslims in the video going on about no homosexuality in Christian faith they're probably part of the KKK,no one defends those sort of muslims if they were kicked out of the country tomorrow then that would be fine by most people in the country.
thats the problem mister, we cant kick them out the country because do gooders/leftys say its against there human rights,and they know that , the country is fucked, build yourself a bunker, its coming, l hope your kids are enjoying the halal meat they are served at school
You seem more comcerned about halal meat than the Grenfell people who were killed,think that says a lot about you and the way you think,plus the rancid post you had removed,if you're that bothered get yourself off to Syria along with the ''brave'' EDL and do frontline fighting against isis just a thought..:cool:
and please tell me where a severe minority of the population of any country in the world manage to pull this stunt off / regarding halal meat in schools. sharia law is next brother , goodnight .
You seem more comcerned about halal meat than the Grenfell people who were killed,think that says a lot about you and the way you think,plus the rancid post you had removed,if you're that bothered get yourself off to Syria along with the ''brave'' EDL and do frontline fighting against isis just a thought..:cool:

who do you think bombed Manchester and killed people at London Bridge ?? you stupid idiot , and why are you so obsessed with the EDL ? ive not seen any news reporting that they,ve let off bombs or stabbed people with machetes whilst they were in restaurants. btw i am not a member of the EDL , i just live in a city where these atrocities have happened and will again , you keep safe in your safe little town **** everyone else A. you never know they might move all the illegal immigrants out of the tower down to your town ,, i would love to see that REFUGEES WELCOME BUT NOT WHERE I LIVE , HAHAHA
Life imitates art

'Private Eye' has fallen through my letterbox fortnightly for over forty years and is the reason why I've managed to remain relatively sane all those years

Amongst its numerous indispensible parodies is:

From the message boards

"From the message boards" is a parody of on-line discussion threads (especially those of BBC Radio 5 Live) whose users publish their comments using pseudonyms and are usually notable for extreme political or social attitudes expressed in poorly written English. The feature includes several recurring characters:

Bogbrush who usually sets the ball rolling by noting a recent news item and then adds an effusive comment ("Great stuff guys!"), once the theme has been expanded.
Hayley 321, who frequently mis-interprets the comments of others and always starts hers with "not bein funny but...". For example, in response to a comment reading "And William has issue now, with the arrival of Prince George!" Hayley 321 wrote "not bein funny but has he got issue's with baby george? thats sad maybe they can get family councilling?"
Metric Martyr, a right-wing commentator who frequently bemoans "political correctness", the BBC and the EU, and also referred to white Britons as an "ethnic minority".
Hatfield Gooner, presumably a supporter of Arsenal FC from his name (the club's supporters are often informally referred to as "Gooners", a corruption of the club's official nickname "The Gunners"). This contributor frequently makes off-topic and off-colour jokes or insulting comments about other board users and is something of an Internet troll.
Justice4Maddy, who in every contribution, attempts to link any given topic under discussion to either the disappearance of British child Madeleine McCann or related matters, no matter how irrelevant or removed from the topic at hand these may be.
FamilyMan, an aggressive father who often threatens to "do time" (go to prison) rather than allow his children to be approached by persons, usually topical figures or celebrities, under discussion on the message board.
Brown Out – similar to Metric Martyr, this contributor frequently laments various "injustices" suffered by the British people at the hands of perceived political correctness and liberal values. The name is related to former UK Prime Minister Gordon Brown, a further joke being that Brown lost power in 2010, yet Brown Out still demands his resignation.
Athelstan, a fanatical English nationalist who always opens his contributions with the words "As an Englishman with a thousand years of Angelfolc blood coursing through my veins..." Athelstan is able to bring the conversation around to the apparent decline of "authentic" English identity, regardless of the topic at hand. The name comes from the first king of England Æthelstan, from whom later kings claimed to descend to add legitimacy to their claim to the throne.
Sword of Truth, who concludes a debate on whatever subject with "Time to end the disastrous democratic experiment".
Meat Isn't Necessarily Murder, a member of the fictitious "Committee For Consensual Cannibalism", a group of people who eat each other, having asked each other's permission first. No matter how far removed the subject from cannibalism, he will always draw the subject to the fight for consensual cannibalism.
Stokie Steve, an aggressive Stoke City fan who concludes his posts with "come to stoke and we will kick your f***ing head in", or words to that effect.
