Happy New Year!

When will I be able to complete my self assessment tax return online for last year? I am going to try and be organised this year rather than leaving it until the Jan 31st deadline like the last few years.
:D I've at least got everything in files ready for my poor accountant this time - every month last year I planned to see him, but was put off to the last minute, too, by the amount of bumpf I had to go through. Can't complain so far, DD - every year's seen a rather pleasant rebate pop through the post!
Just to make my day I came home to find a cheque from Inland Revenue in Gib for just over £700. Happy days!!!! :D
Well if you must (what was that F word you used about me on the other thread that I had to get you to explain??!!!)

yourself..... :P norty norty norty