Don't get yourselves too excited. The news from the endless grapevine of racing downunder is not very positive in respect of this horse. Its believed he will retire immediately as he now has a condition called Anhydrosis.
Anhydrosis is the inability to sweat properly. The sweat glands shut down when most needed, and the horse will as a result pant excessively for hours like a dog, but unlike a dog who is losing heat, rectal temperatures will be dangerously high.
The immediate treatment for the distressed, anhydrotic horse is to replicate sweating by hosing and placing under a fan or in a current of air. Various dietary supplements have been claimed to assist the condition, including one containing an amino acid specifically involved in sweat gland stimulation and which seems to be affecting a cure in some cases. Most horses cease to display the symptoms anyway once the cooler weather comes or if they are moved to a lower humidity climate. Air-conditioned stables are a solution, though an expensive one, with their own set of management problems.
If it is true (and the source of where this information has come from is quite accurate), sadly the horse will never be able to race again, as there is no cure.
It might also explain for his poor performance in the LKS MacKinnon Stakes on the first Saturday of Cup week.