Harry Potter


I am intellectual, precise and intellectual. I am good with details and like things to be ordered. I have a strong sense of justice and am disappointed if people around me don't have the same standards.
You are...

Severus Snape intj

and intj is resourceful,perfectionistic and reserved.they excell at planning and strategy,and though they prefer not ot draw too much attention to themselves,they can be effective leaders when the need arises. INTJ s do not often express strong emotions,but can become animated when provoked.

I = introverted
N = intuitive
T= thinking
J = judging
Lord Voldemort :ph34r:


INTP's are inventive, logical and ambitious. They see elements of the world around them as things to be shaped by their hand into something more useful. INTP's have strong principles and will defend them vigorously if they're challenged.

I'm off to seek some therapy.

Same as Trudi's except P = perceiving at the end.
I don't understand the relevance. They are books for children, yes but there is no upper or lower age limit as to who can read them.
I'm gutted I spent all that money and time studying, qualifying as an accreditted practitioner of MBTI, I really should've known that you could find a Harry Potter version on the web........

I'm Rubeus Hagrid btw, ISFJ.
Hey, there's nowt wrong with Harry Potter, Bar! :D

The full explanation was

Sirius Black : ENTP [extroverted, intuitive, thinking, perceptive]

ENTPs are clever, innovative and optimistic. They have a good sense of humour, though their quips may hurt other people's feelings. ENTPs are good with engineering and technology.
I am Olympe Maxim :huh: Didn't see that one coming

Says I am charismatic, sensitive & commanding - good at juggling many tasks at one (hey it comes naturally to a woman in any case) - people also naturally follow me as I'm a born teacher & leader.
Rory - :P

I always thought id make a good Tonks in the films ( comes into it in book 5 for the uninitiated) but thats gone to Anna Friel hasnt it?? ( assuming it would because of David Thewlis etc.... )
Originally posted by cricketfan@Jul 28 2006, 05:49 AM
the write-up of which is frighteningly like me !

I thought mine was just a load of that very general guff which, when you think about it, applies mostly to most people. It's very much like the crap that gullible idiots read everyday in their horoscopes.

No offence Cricketfan, but Scorpios like me are far too clever to fall for stuff like this!

PS I was Hermione Granger.
Trudi: snap - I'm also Snape! Well, that's us well sorted, then. A couple of INTJs on the forum - no wonder it's all the better for having us! :D
Originally posted by Muttley@Jul 28 2006, 12:22 PM
Hmm. Apparently, like Ardross, I'm Albus Dumbledore!
Me too - not that I'm complaining, I think they're good qualities to have....