Thanks Bar, when she gets home from the weekly Saturday party sleep-over, this didn't happen when I was seventeen, we'll have another go.
There's a mute point, because I, and most of my friends, were more restricted in our galavantings on the run upto our A-levels - I wonder if Sarah will be able to differentiate and find nth terms 35 years on. I think not, the young people of today seem to do just enough to pass their next exam and can't see education as a lifelong vocation.
Sorry, An C and others, if you are feeling increasingly insecure over these mathematical challengers. I'm sure when Sarah, being my youngest, leaves for uni and I am no longer called upon to remember such things as dy by dx, equations of tangents, transformations, graph funtions etc, my mathematical inclination will also diminish.
Love the one line come backs - MR2