Her place is in the house

Disgraceful !!!
These bloody women are getting uppity again; getting notions above their station.
Whatever next? They'll be wanting to drive cars next, or asking for some other unacceptable "freedom".

This outrageous act calls for a public stoning, I say. So does Sharia say.
So next Saturday 3:00pm in Riyadh main square. Bring along the kids, and plenty of fist-sized stones.
And, have an enjoyable family day out.
Im sorry but this is unacceptable

you are both "drumming up hatred towards islam".
Not at all, I'm supporting Islam, as I clearly stated. Women take up valuable seating space and shouldn't be allowed within half a mile of a football ground (other than to serve in the canteen or do the washing). Look if we adopted the same approach then we wouldn't have to suffer karen Brady. Come to think of it, Posh Spice wouldn't have turned into a Beckham either and destoryed our 2006 world cup campaign
How do they know they were women with those horrendous niqabs on? Could have been ISIS trannies out to stir up a riot for all they know.

Which brings me to the point why hasn't the wearing of niqab been banned by the UK?

Everytime I want to travel, transfer money,apply for a visa etc I get the 3rd degree and have to produce all sorts of documents to prove who I am and these women are running about dressed as Ninjas with god knows what under those long black dresses.
Everytime I want to travel, transfer money,apply for a visa etc I get the 3rd degree and have to produce all sorts of documents to prove who I am and these women are running about dressed as Ninjas with god knows what under those long black dresses.

There's a smaller chance that they are Gary Glitter.