
  • Thread starter Thread starter Phil Waters
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Why aren't we allowed to call a woman the 'heroine' of a film, play, accident, etc., any more? And why aren't 'actresses' actresses, but actors, now? Is this some sort of political correctness gone totally barking? Because if it is, I think it's let feminism down very, very badly, in that it's now attached all categories to the male gender.

Heroin? So, so, 80s, darling...
Of course there is a point to it.

Women who take heroin are heroines. Actresses who take heroin are heroine actresses.
A heroic attempt, Phil, but I fear the topic's failing from hereon in. You'll probably just needle Shadow, so I wouldn't try to crack on with it, sugar.
When I was going to college in the late 80s heroin was unheard of.I remember someone who seemed quiet knowledgeable about these things saying there were only 2 people in the town here I lived who used it.I wouldn't say that its a problem where I live but I have noticed a few gaunt faces on youngish people who are probable users.
When I lived in London I remember a girl who I worked with saying that a lot of people who were abused at an early age turned to H.
I think a lot of misled people turn to Heroin, people who in there eyes have little to live for and want to feel good about themselves. Probably agreeing with Luke's last paragraph but on a broader scale.

If it helps the discussion I think I went on a date with a girl who took heroin a couple of weeks ago (had needle marks on her arm and definitely snorted coke).

Are you sure she hadn't just donated blood, Martin? Every darn time I do, they stab both arms' veins and leave me with huge purple patches and hole marks over the insides of the elbows, where the main veins show up best. They take over a week to clear, and I think they look a bit dodgy, even for an old crone like me!
Krizon, one of the negatives of getting old is that nurses don't have to look very far to find a vein, they just follow the main arterial road then stick the needle in :D
I'd agree with you, cheeky chappie, except the veins there have always been enthused over by the vampires - "ooh! A lovely easy vein for me!" they trill, before plunging in a hypo the size of a bicycle pump.

I detest needles - I clench my fists and teeth at the dentist's - they're always telling me to "open - no, no, OPEN - look, I'm not going to be able to get to your teeth with your jaws shut, am I?" I can clamp them tighter than a croc's death grip when really spooked. :teeth:

So that's one good reason to have avoided heroin (apart from yer basic commonsense) - "okay, you wrap the tube here, and then take the needle and..." :o ...sound of running footsteps and door slamming.
Wasn't aiming the insinuation at you Krizon, I could never be so rude :unsure:

but more at the cycle racing crowd I usually associate with who have some really
prominent veins the size of the pinkie on their legs.
I am led to believe it is a valve problem when the blood has to navigate back up the leg hence standing for long periods is not recommended.

Just another advantage of getting older, we have new subjects to explore mostly to do with how the body is disintegrating h:)
Gawd! Don't remind me! Here at Crumbly Towers, there's always a flat coming onto the market due to its' owner's unexpected demise or creeping disintegration. A little chap's moved into one of those thus vacated, very cheerful and bright, but still walking (aged 60) with a pronouncedly gimpy leg. One day, a FIT retiree is going to arrive... :brows: