Heros Charity-rehoming Ex Racers

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I have been extremely impressed with Heros since my mare first went to stay with Grace and her staff about a year ago.

Last night, I decided I would pop down and see Art Series and sent a quick text to Grace and within seconds I had one back saying it would be great to see me and to arrive whenever.

When I got there - a coffee arrived in seconds. Grace as usual was up to her eyes in phones and paperwork. In the office there was a couple who I got chatting to whilst I waited FOR Grace to finish on the phone before going to see my mare and foal, and Bay Hawk of course.

The couple had come to sign the paperwork for the two ex racehorses they were rehoming. There must have been about 5 forms, plus there were references that had been checked that they had to supply, the attention to detail was quite astounding. Details of vets, food, rugs, saddles, medication, history, passports were all there. The list seemed endless. The process seems very thorough and well thought out. The couple are even allowed to return the horses for a break back to Heros if they go away on holiday for instance.

I cannot believe that Grace and her team do not get more recognition for the work they do. This couple had been a few times to make sure that they were competent riders and that the horses and new owners were definitely compatible. Home checks are carried out and then another check in approximately 3 months. As the couple left they thanked Grace and told her they had never met a friendlier, more helpful bunch of people before - their comments seemed totally genuine. I couldn't agree more with their comments.

I was also at Heros when the owners of Counsels Opinion arrived a couple of weeks back. What a lovely couple they are. They had arrived to meet the people that were loaning CO from them (via Heros) and to make sure everyone was happy with the arrangement. It seems to all have worked out for them and I wish CO a happy future at his new home.

The yard is spotless, the people are friendly and I cannot recommend them highly enough if anyone wants their ex racer rehomed. It is not a quick process as Grace has to be 110% certain that the horse will be going to a good home and will be looked after by competent horseman/women. I understand that Grace has a waiting list and I am not surprised.

On top of the rehoming, Grace and her team are looking after mares and their foals and horses out of training, like Bay Hawk would is having the time of his life. I am not sure he is going to want to go back to Brendan's after a few weeks on holiday with Grace and her team. Bay Hawk is a very popular horse amongst the staff and if I ever had to rehome him, I think there may be quite a queue forming.

We are sponsoring a charity race at Hereford racecourse for Heros in June. The husband of one of the girls that works at the yard has been in training to ride one of the racehorses in our charity race. He was up on Paul Cole's gallops this morning undergoing some training. I have not been up to the gallops before and even this morning when it was wet and grey the views around the surrounding countryside were breathtaking. Paul's faciilities look pretty impressive. Not only has is this chap planning to lose 4 stone in preparation for the June race , he is being taught how to ride a racehorse having not (as far as I know) ridden before. From what I saw, he is doing extremely well. :clap:

I know Headstrong is going up to Heros with Elite Racing sometime in April, infact I think they have two dates arranged. Let me know what you think, HS. Perhaps, I am just biased? shrug::
A little bit more background about Heros for anyone interested. Kevin (an ex jockey) will be riding against the chap who has not ridden a racehorse before, so it will be interesting to see how the experienced fare against the less experienced.

Kevin Bell has kindly volunteered to ride in a Charity Race at Hereford on June 22nd 2008 in aid of HEROS .

The charity HEROS (Homing Ex-Racehorses Organization Scheme) was launched in July 2006 by Grace Muir at North Farm Stud, Fawley on the Oxfordshire/Berkshire border. Every year thousands of racehorses leave racing due to injury, old age or simply through lack of ability and having worked with thoroughbreds all her life Grace realized that this did not have to mean the end.

Before launching HEROS Grace had already re-homed 300 ex-racehorses for local owners and trainers through the stud and she soon realized that there were many more horses and owners in need of support.

Thoroughbreds are the most versatile of breeds and are able to adapt to other disciplines very quickly, but it does take time, patience, expertise and funding to prepare them for their new career. Every new recruit to HEROS is individually assessed by Grace before being ridden by one of her experienced, fully trained staff.

A specific re-schooling plan is then developed and carried out for each horse before he or she is carefully matched with its new owner.

In our first year HEROS successfully re-homed 92 horses and it is with the help of valued supporters, like Kevin, HEROS will be able to continue this good work.

Grace Muir,
Chief Executive, HEROS