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Horoscopes Or Just Horror-scopes?

Merlin the Magician

Dormant account
May 2, 2003
Does anyone read these and do they work ? or end up as HORROR-SCOPES?????

just wondered ............if people ever believe in them????? is this a women only thing? I have heard of women going to mediums to see what the future holds.....are there any on here who would do these sort of things??????

People say to me...."hows your luck" I reply "I have plenty, but its all bad" :P :)
I very rarely read horoscopes but I am a typical Aquarian, a bit odd and incredibly stubborn :laughing:
I think the Loch Ness Monster is slightly more palusible. I've never understood how with only 12 months in a year, there must be millions of people who share the same sign having the same kind of day. I must admit I'm under the impression they're a female thing, and indeed work with one who swears by them and gets really kind of offended if you suggest that perhaps they might be superstitious pap. I remember Clare Balding of all people trying to use astrology to solve the Grand National a few years ago, I think it was just about the only stat she could find that made Forest Gunner the winner, which she was determind to do.
I read mine a few months ago, someone from far away is going to come into my life and enrich me apparently. I'm still waiting
Warbler, not quite so. A proper personal horoscope is based on where you are born (in lat/longitude terms), and at what time, since day or night makes a difference to the position of the planets, the Moon, and the Sun. You may be an Aquarian, but have Capricornian overtones, or Sagittarian ones, affecting various phases of your life. So those millions of people born in Capricorn will have thousands of different personal tweaks which supposedly influence their wealth, health, ambition, likely marital or career paths, etc.

It may be that horoscopes are viewed now as a 'female' thing, but they formed an extremely important part of various courts in the past, with court astrologers informing the Romans, the Egyptians, the Greeks, and especially the Chinese as to when were the best times for war, marriage, and other major plans those in charge might have in mind. If planetary influences were malign, the event was to be postponed until a more favourable phase and curiously, there were times when going against their court astrologers' advice cost some rulers dear.
Hardly the preserve of the ancients though, remember Nancy Reagan (America's first female President) used them. Mind you we are talking about the same administration whose official President told the worlds press that the White House dog had seen the ghost of Abraham Lincoln
Originally posted by Griffin@May 31 2007, 10:27 PM
I very rarely read horoscopes but I am a typical Aquarian, a bit odd and incredibly stubborn :laughing:
Yup - me too! Pig headed - stubborn, immensely loyal(if I like you!) chaotic, you name the Aquarian trait - Im it....
Sometimes I read them as a bit of fun but I don't take them seriously, How can you take Mystic Meg as anything other than a laugh, bless her she's bonkers, I remember Brian Conley doing a sketch on his show Septic Peg, :laughing: there went any credibility for her it was a brilliant take off.
I agree with Krizon, a proper chart takes a lot of going into but can be quite accurate although, when you have the sun in one house, the moon in another as well as your own sign it pretty much covers all really and you might as well read all the star signs and go with whichever is appropriate.
Out of interest my birth sign is Aries sun sign is Aquarius and Moon sign Virgo.

I do Tarot cards myself and they are often very accurate, I do readings for myself, ( there are no real rules that say you can't) and did ask one week if I was going to have a good day on the horsey front, The Empress and The Moon came up so I saw a horse called Moon Empress and had a bet, the horse won at 10-1. It was a nice coincidence. but I wouldn't take it for granted.
I love Colin.... :luv: :laughing: even though he needs a new labrador

I had runes done the ther day - she said that I am involved with animals - probably horses,(and No - I wasnt wearing Jods at the time!!) and my life was about to change dramatically. My love life was going swimmingly, and although he was a long way away, it wasnt for much longer and it would all work out fine.

10/10 for the horses - the following tuesday I got told I was being laid off, so 10/10 for that, and 2/10 fpor the male stuff - yes, he was in Afganistan at the time, and due to finish soon, but she missed the bit where he was goign to dump me for someone else :brows: :laughing: ....

then she did a spiritual reading ( :suspect: ) and said someone in the spirit world was bringing me pink roses ( :brows: ) I had a grandfather who was a sailor ( yup - dads dad was in the navy) and she kept harping on about an apple tree and do I like apples?
She was adament about this flipping apple tree - short of the fact that Im partial to a cider shandy every now and then im still waiting!!! :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

As serena said - its nice when it fits - and some things can be quite spooky, but Im a bit sceptical still.

Love it all though - I like having stuff like this done!!
Originally posted by trudij@Jun 1 2007, 11:41 AM
My love life was going swimmingly, and although he was a long way away, it wasnt for much longer and it would all work out fine.
Ian Thorpe?
There was a programme on years ago that highlighted the work of some guy who had set out to statistically show the whole thing was garbage. I can't recall the exact details, but after sticking in the data for thousands of sportsmen, film stars etc.etc. the stats suggested there was some link with occupation. There were arguments as to whether he had used the correct statistical tests (and of course it could have been a fluke sample despite its' size), but, if nothing else, it didn't disprove the link.

Best horrorscope I ever heard was on monty python.

Derrier-Thom star sign.

Your skin is green and scaly and you are lizard form in shape.
Having had a personal reading done for me by some bird I used to know, I can say that I am an aquarian but my moon is rising in Leo, which to anyone who knows me, would not be surprising at all.

Here are the traits lifted from some website I googled.

Friendly and humanitarian (Nope and check(ish))
Honest and loyal (Check and check)
Original and inventive (Nope and hmm, nope)
Independent and intellectual (Check and check)

On the dark side....

Intractable and contrary (Check and check)
Perverse and unpredictable (Check and nope)
Unemotional and detached (Check and check)

I never read my horoscope as it is a pile of kack. Do I believe that my traits have come about as a result of when I was born? Hmm, not sure, but I do find it a bit strange that so many people seem to fit the traits of their sign - not sure how much of that might be auto-suggestion though.

I do, however, do tarot cards, which generally tend to be accurate a lot more than not.
Traditional Virgo Traits

Modest and shy
Meticulous and reliable
Practical and diligent
Intelligent and analytical

On the dark side....

Fussy and a worrier
Overcritical and harsh
Perfectionist and conservative

That is me to a tee.