How do we get to 130


Oct 7, 2012
East Midlands
It was on my mind that I was probably among a fair number of ageing punters here (and that's been validated by the 'tablets' thread LOL).

I've spent a fair part of the last 2 years studying bits and pieces that might help double the current number of years before anyone has to etch a list of favorite horses on my tombstone. Definitely, I still want to be shouting 'comeonnnnnnnn' at the laptop or TV for another 60 years if possible. What life's all about, right?!?!

So, I figured this might be a good place to start putting any info/links I've found to stuff that might help (me, and anyone else so inclined).

Starting with Peter Attia is a good point.........
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I hope if I'm not gone and cremated by 75 someone will at least have the balls to euthanise me.

The thought of living until 130 is revolting.
The guy looks about 25. What on earth is he doing trying to tell us old duffers how to eke out an extra 30 or 40 years?

Show me a 130-year-old who would pass for 60 and I'll listen to him.

I'm 66 going on 26.

(In my head.)

(Because I'm already senile.)
The trick will be - for anyone that thinks they want to get there - is how to do it while avoiding the senility/frailty/illness/cell destruction that clearly accompanies it.

There is a lot of money going into longevity studies now. Already the consensus of thoughts among the leading scientists in the field appears to be that there are youngsters alive now who will easily see their mid-100s (and still be walking, eating, talking). That rules many of us out (probably all) but much is known about the mechanisms that 1) lower human function with ageing, and 2) potentially mitigate it.

I'd say mitigation activities seem a sensible approach for anyone over 50 (and anyone in their 30s, starting now is quids in most likely).

We'll see.
Obviously there are certain factors that are key:

Very little alcohol
Diet wise I think ideally vegan/vegetarian/pescatarian and really limit dairy
Retire no later than 55
Live in a sunny climate or at least take plenty of multi-vitamins
No kids
No punting

Don't think anyone on here would qualify
Obviously there are certain factors that are key:

Very little alcohol
Diet wise I think ideally vegan/vegetarian/pescatarian and really limit dairy
Retire no later than 55
Live in a sunny climate or at least take plenty of multi-vitamins
No kids
No punting

Don't think anyone on here would qualify

Very true!

some tough tasks on that list and way too late for me...but would be totally undone by the last one anyway.

Longevity scientist to potential human guinea pig...... "so what makes you want to live to 120, then?"

Human guinea pig to scientist..."what kind of a daft question is that? watch the 2080 'Whitbread' and dance round the room when the leader is 2 up at the last and paddling and mine's tanking in behind, of course!"
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Obviously there are certain factors that are key:

Very little alcohol
Diet wise I think ideally vegan/vegetarian/pescatarian and really limit dairy
Retire no later than 55
Live in a sunny climate or at least take plenty of multi-vitamins
No kids
No punting

Don't think anyone on here would qualify

Fu*ck living to 130 if it means such a sterile, boring existence.