Howard Johnson Robbed At Gunpoint


At the Start
Dec 17, 2007
Breaking news on RP this morning.

Over £100k stolen.

Wasn't he assaulted once before and it turned out to be his son? :ninja:
Thats what I don't understand - Why would you have 100k in cash in a safe? Sounds a little suspect. Surely someone must have known he had that much cash lying about.
I'm in the dark - it's an absurd amount of cash to have at home, of course. I assume people are implying it's down to cash payments for horsey services, so that he doesn't have to declare it to HM Revenue & Customs? On the other hand, he may just have a very high milk bill...
Why would he advertise how much it was, though, if it was slush monies ? More likely to have said jewelery, I'd have thought!
Reportedly it was money he'd "won at Aintree". Sure wasn't from backing his own horses if it was!!!
Meanwhile, back at Thieves' Kitchen, Johnny and Bobby count out their takings... "I make that exactly £347.35p, Bobby, and I've counted it five times now."
Reportedly it was money he'd "won at Aintree". Sure wasn't from backing his own horses if it was!!!

The £100k was supposedly in the safe, they then went upstairs and stole the money he won at Aintree, apparently.
Elsewhere, it's reported that he said these were his savings for a 'dream holiday home' for his wife. Just the wife, then?
However he obtained it, someone must have had information to lead them to believe/know he had that much cash in the house.

Do they need someone to carry their bags on that holiday??