How's the weather?

The weather charts say the rain is coming in from the west so any rain would hit Goodwood before you know much about it in Brighton, I imagine. Goodwood might just be far enough inland to escape the worst of the heavy stuff, though.
Nope, it's not raining. It's overcast but not looking especially like it's going to rain anytime soon. This morning it hasn't rained to my knowledge, bar a bit of an attempt at spitting with rain about an hour ago. Going stick says 8.6.
Lovely sunny day (though a few dark clouds lurking in the distance) in Navan which is, like Brighton, not a million miles away from Goodwood.
I had the going on the fast side of good yesterday (0.2spf fast). Drizzle won't affect it too much, especially if it brightens in between and gets moderately warm.
Raining down there now. My man on the course tells me it isn't currently heavy, but looks set in for a fair while.
It's been overcast all day in Brighton, but as we're 40-ish miles away, it could be snowing in Goodwood for all we know! The line of hills next to the track often seems to drag clouds away from it, strangely. We watched this phenom on Wednesday, when very low, dark rain clouds threatened from the West, pulling up towards the course along the line of the Solent. The ridge just seemed to somehow shepherd them inland and away from the track, although it was overpowered after the last race, when it started tanking down quite seriously.

The unfortunate reverse is true at Plumpton, where the bowl in which it sits seems to attract the rain into the course, and keep it there!
The key word there being 'might'. I'll steer clear. Plenty more racing today where I'm not guessing to either what the ground is or where they'll go.